This may be a stupid question, but try clicking on the Weights
tool, you should see colored pies, are the pies all of only one color?
It may happen that spine will bind all of the bones but give influence to just one bone with Auto weights. this also happens if you bound one bone first and added all the others later.
Here's the part of the guide that explains how this works: Weights - Spine User Guide
I'm sorry you're getting frustrated, did you read properly the Spine User Guide or see the playlist Spine User Guide - Getting Started - YouTube to get you started first?
I'm the sort of person that gets very intimidated by new interfaces and everything seems tremendously difficult at first, but the videos really helped me to learn Spine quickly at the time, so I totally recommend them.
There's also an unofficial discord channel where you can ask quick questions and solve doubts easily:
And of course you can ask here on the forums as you just did, but don't get frustrated alone (: