
  • 2020년 6월 23일
  • 2017년 3월 14일에 가입함
  • Spine customer support sucks! as paid software, they didn't reply to the question from clients often, when you are running your project but can't use Spine, you can't get help from them, it sucks!!

    Spine launcher sucks! I know to be a software company, you are worry people use your software by illegal, we understand and we pay, but if you can't 100 percent make sure your luncher can running well with your stupid some license check, don't do it, I can't run spine for 2 days and I can't get any response from this company yet, it is an unbelievable shitty launcher I have never met!

    Spine shader sucks! if you use a normal map, the alpha area problem will force you to give up, so if you want to make an awesome character with a normal map, the spine will disappoint you very much!!

    awful third party plugin support, Spine never wants to try to support any unity third-party package. like Playmaker or anything, although some third-party plugin try to support Spine, but the result is not good, because Spine runtime update often.

    <a whole bunch of rude stuff deleted>

  • Since yesterday I can't open the spine. it even can not get in the update processing.
    it just did response when I click the Spine icon. even I download the newest version and reinstall,
    the situation is the same.
    my computer is Windows 8 and Spine license is Professional.
    I have never met any software like this.. it happens twice!!
    last year I had this situation but it fixed after I download the newest version.
    but it didn't work this time. I from Taiwan but when I log in the forum you assign me to Japan forum?
    I try to ask for help from your CHINA forum but I didn't get any response.
    your client support as same as your software, NO RESPONSE!! :angry:

  • 昨天還能用電腦也沒關機,今天突然就不能用了,執行Spine連更新界面都沒有跑出來,然後我看工作管理員,我執行Spine的時候根本沒有軟體再執行....重新下載安裝了也是一樣,好久以前也發生過一次,重新安裝就好了,現在又來一次,真的很麻煩...
    專案正在趕然後軟體出問題...快要瘋了 :scared: