This is probably a bit too nerdy, but that is a bunch of darktint spines and meshes with different textures batched together. The only thing breaking my batch is the blendmode change for the coin
Only events and loading/caching to go

- 2024년 5월 21일
- 2023년 5월 11일에 가입함
I got a quick and dirty implementation working, by starting from the threejs code. I still need to work in the darktint batching, events and loading assets but the main rendering is there.
I am un-interleaving the geometry (in the case of the clipper) because pixi batching renderer interleaves geometry along all meshes in a scene so is better to allow the renderer to do it as it might render spine meshes and other sprites in a single pass.Once I get a fully featured PoC I will upload to github
Hello! I am part of the team that maintains PixiJS and the Spine runtime for PixiJS is currently a quite convoluted codebase of abstractions on top of abstractions.
The main reason for this, is that we try to support all versions of spine (from 3.7 to 4.2) from the same codebase.
My question is: Is there an "official" stand on which runtimes/spine versions are supported?