• Editor
  • Transform constraints (X and Y axis separately)

Hi all,

Just wondering what you have in mind about the final constraint tool:
Maybe i'm mistaking but i was thinking about what 3d softwares offer at the moment: for each transformations a tick box for each axes (X, Y, Z) that allow you to limit the behaviour of a child regarding to his parent.

A concrete exemple on spine: a drop shadow, i wish it could be possible to parent a bone which contain a shadow asset that can only move on Y axis even if his parent is moving both X & Y axes?!

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Wouldn't it be better to do the shadow via code? I mean if the character jumps or falls from a very high point it would be strange to see the shadow, wouldn't it? also a shadow would be mostly stationary if it's stored under a bone in the root.

But yeah interesting point. I wonder what other use cases might there be...

7일 후

i don't know coding and there are a lot of situations in which a character could do a lot more with just one transform constraint if this feature is enabled ...

constraining X to Y or even constraining translationX to scaleY is something we want to add since it has a huge amount of use cases. I can't say when this will happen though.

I just found a useful use case hahah
this was so complicated to achieve sigh (and it's not even perfect)

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interesting mechanics ... can you elaborate how you did it ?

I used two transform constraints.

  • One resets the position of the pivot of the leg bone by having rotate set to 100 but a different position,
  • Then we have a child bone to this pivot-reset (I wonder if it's a redundant bone, but it helps me get less confused)
  • Then there's the bone on the knee that copies via a translate constraint the child bone. Translate is set to 200 though. This bone is child to the main leg like the first one.

After this I turned the tiny part that covers the circle into a mesh, I tweaked the weights and this is the result.
Having the possibiity to copy just x or y instead of both would have been pretty useful, probably would have saved the creation of some bones and the double contraint thing.

I can't share the project unfortunately because it's work stuff, but I hope this might be enough to help (:

yeah that clears a lot of things ... thanks ...

2달 후

It would help me A LOT to have translate Y and X sliders to mess with in the transform constraint. PLEASE add this feature!