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Spinder - a Tinder dating system for spiders [GGJ16]
Finally I can showcase something as well!
I joined the Global Game Jam this year and the theme was "Ritual" so my group came up with "mating rituals", I guess we chose peacock spiders because they're extremely cute, but things derailed with spiders nowadays using spinder, the tinder for spiders.
Here spiders must imitate the pose of the famous actors the female spiders like to gain likes, it's stupid but funny and it was done in just 48h which is a bit of a record to me.
You can also try the game here http://globalgamejam.org/2016/games/spinder soon they should put a web version as well.
At the link you can also download the original project files if you're curious, we made it in unity.
Well, hope you'll at least smile a little bit!
I did the spider parts drawings and made everything work in spine, a friend of mine added the bouncy feeling to it.
Also the background got some small animations in spine although I have no idea where the stripes on the images came from.
And yes, the music is a parody of "Magica Europa" with the names of spiders lol.
love the spider dance
This is really funny. I love the idea and it looks really nice.