(This may be something already possible, if so, my request is silly.)
I am working on a project with different characters all with the same animations.
I am using skins to switch between them. Say, switch the face mesh for a different skin colour.
- So all my face shapes are the exact same dimensions just with different colours. This means it is very easy to make new colours and swap out the attachment path per skin.
- To change the face shape of one person I manually deform the mesh in SETUP mode with their skin active. This is to save importing a pre-shaped image and remeshing and reweighting everything (which would be insanity).
- I can't use linked meshes, because deforming one mesh would deform it for all linked meshes, defeating the purpose.
- So I duplicate the attachment for each new skin. This works absolutely great
- Only the meshes are duplicated, so when I animate using bones and constraints and all that fun stuff, all the animations work for every skin/face shape. I don't have to recreate animations etc. But it is cumbersome to update any weights, or anything related to weights (for instance if I add a new bone/control/constraint or improve my weighting) because the mesh weight was 'snapshotted' when it was duplicated and became it's own mesh.
- I can copy and paste mass weights (which is awesome by the way), and it's not so bad right now with two skins, but Once I have many characters, with a dozen different attachments each (face, upper lip, lower lip, ear x 2, eyebrows x 2, eyelash x 2, nose, nose shadow etc etc, that's just for the face)...
My proposal would be a sort of "semi linked mesh". The original mesh and weights would all be linked. It'd just be a skin based deformation.
Essentially a granular linked mesh that would be able to toggle the linking of:
- 'original mesh' (this would be mandatory in a linked mesh anyway or nothing else would follow)
- 'weighting' (or not)
- 'setup deformation' (or not)
Or the request could also be for "skin-based deformations".
I can think of many really good uses for a semi-linked mesh in this way (some others within my same project, ie pseudo outlining using a slightly scaled duplicate mesh behind the main mesh).
For now I'm still happy it worked so well and that I can copy and paste bulk weights
ps. I know you can have skin based constraints (as seen in Erika's awesome video about them), which would work for very simple skin changes like 'scaling' or slightly different skeleton sizes (although IK breaks a lot of this awesome functionality in my opinion due to forced scale inheritance) but it doesn't work for manually deforming to any detail.