Recently reinstalled the system on my computer. Before that, the program worked. Immediately after reinstalling, too. But after a couple of launches system, this arose

Related Discussions

Do you have any antivirus software installed? If so, make sure to exclude Spine from its checks.

  • Asyandr님이 이에 답장했습니다.

    Windows Defender only. I didn't install anything. I thought I had disabled all checks. I don't know what else to do

    The defender is completely disabled. I added the Spine folder to the exceptions and at the same time the folder where the log should be created. There are no changes.

    Windows Defender should be fine without needing to add Spine to the exceptions, though it doesn't hurt.

    It looks very likely that you have other software running on your computer that injects itself into Spine. This is very unfriendly behavior and causes Spine to crash in this way.

    • Asyandr님이 이에 답장했습니다.

      Nate Then what is the program? Spine worked perfectly together with what I managed to deliver...

      Sorry, Spine has encountered a fatal error.

      Antivirus software may crash Spine.
      Please disable any antivirus software or safelist Spine.


      A fatal error has occurred:


      EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO (0xc0000094) at pc=0x00007ffe2b888a3e, pid=3164, tid=3416

      Problematic frame:

      V [jvm.dll+0x288a3e]


      To report this problem please contact us at:


      --------------- S U M M A R Y ---------------

      Time: Thu Nov 30 20:27:20 2023 RTZ 2 (ram Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\server\jvm.dll elapsed time: 0.132280 seconds (0d 0h 0m 0s)
      Host: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2400 CPU @ 3.10GHz, 4 cores, 7G, Windows 10, 64 bit Build 19041 (10.0.19041.2913)
      JVM: OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (11.0.1+GA, mixed mode, tiered, compressed oops, , compressed class ptrs, g1 gc)

      --------------- T H R E A D ---------------

      Current thread (0x00000232281c9220): JavaThread "Unknown thread" [_thread_in_vm, id=3416, stack(0x000000e72ac00000,0x000000e72ad00000)]

      Stack: [0x000000e72ac00000,0x000000e72ad00000], sp=0x000000e72acfe680, free space=1017k
      Native frames: (J=compiled Java code, j=interpreted, Vv=VM code, C=native code)
      V [jvm.dll+0x288a3e]
      V [jvm.dll+0x1d7e9a]
      V [jvm.dll+0x1cc04c]
      V [jvm.dll+0x36c64f]
      V [jvm.dll+0x1dae43]
      V [jvm.dll+0x534917]
      V [jvm.dll+0x5357a5]
      V [jvm.dll+0x536092]
      V [jvm.dll+0x533cdb]
      V [jvm.dll+0x57fb24]
      V [jvm.dll+0x580d28]
      V [jvm.dll+0x30fe07]
      V [jvm.dll+0x56166b]
      V [jvm.dll+0x34b330]
      V [jvm.dll+0x34c8a1]
      C [Spine.exe+0x40a6]
      C [Spine.exe+0x9a99]
      C [Spine.exe+0xcdce]
      C [KERNEL32.DLL+0x17614]
      C [ntdll.dll+0x526a1]

      siginfo: EXCEPTION_INT_DIVIDE_BY_ZERO (0xc0000094)

      RAX=0x00000000fffffff4, RBX=0x000000e72acfe890, RCX=0x0000023228bc5710, RDX=0x00000000ffffffff
      RSP=0x000000e72acfe680, RBP=0x0000023228bc4740, RSI=0x0000023228bc55b0, RDI=0x000000e72acfe720
      R8 =0x000000000000000c, R9 =0x0000000000000000, R10=0x00000000fffffff4, R11=0x000002323f4000e8
      R12=0x0000023226157200, R13=0x0000023228bc5580, R14=0x0000023228bc58a0, R15=0x000000000000000c
      RIP=0x00007ffe2b888a3e, EFLAGS=0x0000000000010293

      Top of Stack: (sp=0x000000e72acfe680)
      0x000000e72acfe680: 0000000000000000 0000000000000000
      0x000000e72acfe690: 000000e72acfe720 000000e72acfe720
      0x000000e72acfe6a0: 000002323f400538 00000232281c9220
      0x000000e72acfe6b0: 0000000000000000 00007ffe2b7d7e9a
      0x000000e72acfe6c0: 000000e72acfe890 0000023228bc4740
      0x000000e72acfe6d0: 0000023228bc55b0 0000023228bc4740
      0x000000e72acfe6e0: 000002323f400528 0000000000000000
      0x000000e72acfe6f0: 0000023228bc5710 0000000000000000
      0x000000e72acfe700: 0000023228b64738 000002323f400058
      0x000000e72acfe710: 00000232281c9220 0000000000000000
      0x000000e72acfe720: 0000023228b64738 0000000000000000
      0x000000e72acfe730: 000002323f4000e8 000002323f400528
      0x000000e72acfe740: 0000023228bc5710 0000023228bc5880
      0x000000e72acfe750: 0000000800000000 0000023228bc5730
      0x000000e72acfe760: 0000000000000000 0000023228bc5860
      0x000000e72acfe770: 0000023228bc5770 0000023228bc5800

      Instructions: (pc=0x00007ffe2b888a3e)
      0x00007ffe2b88893e: 8d 6d 08 ff c6 48 8b 48 10 3b 31 7c d5 8b 47 30
      0x00007ffe2b88894e: 85 c0 7e 40 48 8b f3 66 66 66 0f 1f 84 00 00 00
      0x00007ffe2b88895e: 00 00 48 8b 47 38 48 8b 04 06 44 8b 40 1c 45 85
      0x00007ffe2b88896e: c0 7e 16 48 8b 40 10 48 8b 48 08 48 8b 01 49 8b
      0x00007ffe2b88897e: ce 8b 50 14 e8 89 3a f4 ff ff c3 48 83 c6 08 3b
      0x00007ffe2b88898e: 5f 30 7c ce 49 8b ce e8 26 48 f4 ff 48 8b 47 50
      0x00007ffe2b88899e: 48 8b 5c 24 40 48 8b 6c 24 48 48 8b 74 24 50 48
      0x00007ffe2b8889ae: 8b 48 20 48 8b 47 58 44 8b 41 14 48 8b 48 20 8b
      0x00007ffe2b8889be: 41 14 8b 0d 8a 68 0f 03 83 c0 07 83 e0 f8 2b 05
      0x00007ffe2b8889ce: 9e 70 0f 03 99 83 e2 07 44 8d 51 ff 45 03 d0 44
      0x00007ffe2b8889de: 8d 0c 02 41 c1 f9 03 41 8d 40 07 ff c9 83 e0 f8
      0x00007ffe2b8889ee: f7 d1 99 44 23 d1 83 e2 07 48 8b 4f 20 03 c2 c1
      0x00007ffe2b8889fe: f8 03 4c 89 31 8b 0d 87 24 0a 03 8d 51 ff 03 d0
      0x00007ffe2b888a0e: b8 0c 00 00 00 ff c9 f7 d1 23 d1 48 8b 4f 20 89
      0x00007ffe2b888a1e: 51 08 48 8b 4f 20 44 89 49 10 80 3d 42 68 0f 03
      0x00007ffe2b888a2e: 00 48 8b 4f 20 44 0f 45 f8 45 2b d7 41 8b c2 99
      0x00007ffe2b888a3e: f7 3d 0c 68 0f 03 89 41 0c 48 8b 4f 20 0f b6 47
      0x00007ffe2b888a4e: 68 88 41 14 48 83 c4 20 41 5f 41 5e 5f c3 cc cc
      0x00007ffe2b888a5e: cc cc 40 53 41 54 41 55 48 83 ec 30 0f b7 82 36
      0x00007ffe2b888a6e: 01 00 00 45 33 e4 48 8b 59 10 4c 8b e9 48 89 6c
      0x00007ffe2b888a7e: 24 50 8b e8 c1 ed 0e 81 e5 fe ff 03 00 48 89 7c
      0x00007ffe2b888a8e: 24 60 4c 8b 03 4c 89 7c 24 20 4c 8b fa 4d 85 c0
      0x00007ffe2b888a9e: 0f 84 9e 00 00 00 48 89 74 24 58 4c 89 74 24 28
      0x00007ffe2b888aae: 66 90 8b 73 1c 44 8b 73 14 41 8b 78 14 41 8d 04
      0x00007ffe2b888abe: 36 3b f8 7e 62 33 d2 8d 4a 28 e8 53 2c 23 00 48
      0x00007ffe2b888ace: 8b c8 48 85 c0 74 2d 41 2b fe 4c 89 20 2b fe 4c
      0x00007ffe2b888ade: 89 60 08 89 78 1c 89 68 10 c7 40 14 ff ff ff ff
      0x00007ffe2b888aee: c7 40 18 01 00 00 00 c7 40 20 ff ff ff ff 44 88
      0x00007ffe2b888afe: 60 24 eb 03 49 8b cc 8b 43 14 03 43 1c 89 41 14
      0x00007ffe2b888b0e: 48 8b 03 48 89 01 48 8b 03 48 89 48 08 48 89 0b
      0x00007ffe2b888b1e: 48 89 59 08 4c 8b 03 49 8b d8 4d 8b 00 4d 85 c0
      0x00007ffe2b888b2e: 75 80 41 0f b7 87 36 01 00 00 4c 8b 74 24 28 48

      --------------- P R O C E S S ---------------

      Threads class SMR info:
      _java_thread_list=0x00007ffe2e9ae7b8, length=0, elements={

      Java Threads: ( => current thread )

      Other Threads:
      0x0000023228a77c20 GCTaskThread "GC Thread#0" [stack: 0x000000e72b100000,0x000000e72b200000] [id=1428]
      0x0000023228a89210 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Main Marker" [stack: 0x000000e72b200000,0x000000e72b300000] [id=9640]
      0x0000023228a8a3c0 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Conc#0" [stack: 0x000000e72b300000,0x000000e72b400000] [id=9052]
      0x0000023228b0b9b0 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Refine#0" [stack: 0x000000e72b400000,0x000000e72b500000] [id=2192]
      0x0000023228b0e290 ConcurrentGCThread "G1 Service" [stack: 0x000000e72b500000,0x000000e72b600000] [id=10628]

      =>0x00000232281c9220 (exited) JavaThread "Unknown thread" [_thread_in_vm, id=3416, stack(0x000000e72ac00000,0x000000e72ad00000)]

      Threads with active compile tasks:

      VM state: not at safepoint (not fully initialized)

      VM Mutex/Monitor currently owned by a thread: None

      Heap address: 0x0000000080000000, size: 2048 MB, Compressed Oops mode: 32-bit

      Compressed class space mapped at: 0x0000000100000000-0x0000000140000000, reserved size: 1073741824
      Narrow klass base: 0x0000000000000000, Narrow klass shift: 3, Narrow klass range: 0x140000000

      GC Precious Log:
      CPUs: 4 total, 4 available
      Memory: 8174M
      Large Page Support: Disabled
      NUMA Support: Disabled
      Compressed Oops: Enabled (32-bit)
      Heap Region Size: 1M
      Heap Min Capacity: 128M
      Heap Initial Capacity: 128M
      Heap Max Capacity: 2G
      Pre-touch: Disabled
      Parallel Workers: 4
      Concurrent Workers: 1
      Concurrent Refinement Workers: 4
      Periodic GC: Disabled

      garbage-first heap total 131072K, used 0K [0x0000000080000000, 0x0000000100000000)
      region size 1024K, 1 young (1024K), 0 survivors (0K)
      Metaspace used 7K, committed 128K, reserved 1056768K
      class space used 3K, committed 64K, reserved 1048576K

      Heap Regions: E=young(eden), S=young(survivor), O=old, HS=humongous(starts), HC=humongous(continues), CS=collection set, F=free, OA=open archive, CA=closed archive, TAMS=top-at-mark-start (previous, next)
      | 0|0x0000000080000000, 0x0000000080000000, 0x0000000080100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080000000, 0x0000000080000000| Untracked
      | 1|0x0000000080100000, 0x0000000080100000, 0x0000000080200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080100000, 0x0000000080100000| Untracked
      | 2|0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000080300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080200000, 0x0000000080200000| Untracked
      | 3|0x0000000080300000, 0x0000000080300000, 0x0000000080400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080300000, 0x0000000080300000| Untracked
      | 4|0x0000000080400000, 0x0000000080400000, 0x0000000080500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080400000, 0x0000000080400000| Untracked
      | 5|0x0000000080500000, 0x0000000080500000, 0x0000000080600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080500000, 0x0000000080500000| Untracked
      | 6|0x0000000080600000, 0x0000000080600000, 0x0000000080700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080600000, 0x0000000080600000| Untracked
      | 7|0x0000000080700000, 0x0000000080700000, 0x0000000080800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080700000, 0x0000000080700000| Untracked
      | 8|0x0000000080800000, 0x0000000080800000, 0x0000000080900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080800000, 0x0000000080800000| Untracked
      | 9|0x0000000080900000, 0x0000000080900000, 0x0000000080a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080900000, 0x0000000080900000| Untracked
      | 10|0x0000000080a00000, 0x0000000080a00000, 0x0000000080b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080a00000, 0x0000000080a00000| Untracked
      | 11|0x0000000080b00000, 0x0000000080b00000, 0x0000000080c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080b00000, 0x0000000080b00000| Untracked
      | 12|0x0000000080c00000, 0x0000000080c00000, 0x0000000080d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080c00000, 0x0000000080c00000| Untracked
      | 13|0x0000000080d00000, 0x0000000080d00000, 0x0000000080e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080d00000, 0x0000000080d00000| Untracked
      | 14|0x0000000080e00000, 0x0000000080e00000, 0x0000000080f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080e00000, 0x0000000080e00000| Untracked
      | 15|0x0000000080f00000, 0x0000000080f00000, 0x0000000081000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000080f00000, 0x0000000080f00000| Untracked
      | 16|0x0000000081000000, 0x0000000081000000, 0x0000000081100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081000000, 0x0000000081000000| Untracked
      | 17|0x0000000081100000, 0x0000000081100000, 0x0000000081200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081100000, 0x0000000081100000| Untracked
      | 18|0x0000000081200000, 0x0000000081200000, 0x0000000081300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081200000, 0x0000000081200000| Untracked
      | 19|0x0000000081300000, 0x0000000081300000, 0x0000000081400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081300000, 0x0000000081300000| Untracked
      | 20|0x0000000081400000, 0x0000000081400000, 0x0000000081500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081400000, 0x0000000081400000| Untracked
      | 21|0x0000000081500000, 0x0000000081500000, 0x0000000081600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081500000, 0x0000000081500000| Untracked
      | 22|0x0000000081600000, 0x0000000081600000, 0x0000000081700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081600000, 0x0000000081600000| Untracked
      | 23|0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000081800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081700000, 0x0000000081700000| Untracked
      | 24|0x0000000081800000, 0x0000000081800000, 0x0000000081900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081800000, 0x0000000081800000| Untracked
      | 25|0x0000000081900000, 0x0000000081900000, 0x0000000081a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081900000, 0x0000000081900000| Untracked
      | 26|0x0000000081a00000, 0x0000000081a00000, 0x0000000081b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081a00000, 0x0000000081a00000| Untracked
      | 27|0x0000000081b00000, 0x0000000081b00000, 0x0000000081c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081b00000, 0x0000000081b00000| Untracked
      | 28|0x0000000081c00000, 0x0000000081c00000, 0x0000000081d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081c00000, 0x0000000081c00000| Untracked
      | 29|0x0000000081d00000, 0x0000000081d00000, 0x0000000081e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081d00000, 0x0000000081d00000| Untracked
      | 30|0x0000000081e00000, 0x0000000081e00000, 0x0000000081f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081e00000, 0x0000000081e00000| Untracked
      | 31|0x0000000081f00000, 0x0000000081f00000, 0x0000000082000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000081f00000, 0x0000000081f00000| Untracked
      | 32|0x0000000082000000, 0x0000000082000000, 0x0000000082100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082000000, 0x0000000082000000| Untracked
      | 33|0x0000000082100000, 0x0000000082100000, 0x0000000082200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082100000, 0x0000000082100000| Untracked
      | 34|0x0000000082200000, 0x0000000082200000, 0x0000000082300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082200000, 0x0000000082200000| Untracked
      | 35|0x0000000082300000, 0x0000000082300000, 0x0000000082400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082300000, 0x0000000082300000| Untracked
      | 36|0x0000000082400000, 0x0000000082400000, 0x0000000082500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082400000, 0x0000000082400000| Untracked
      | 37|0x0000000082500000, 0x0000000082500000, 0x0000000082600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082500000, 0x0000000082500000| Untracked
      | 38|0x0000000082600000, 0x0000000082600000, 0x0000000082700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082600000, 0x0000000082600000| Untracked
      | 39|0x0000000082700000, 0x0000000082700000, 0x0000000082800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082700000, 0x0000000082700000| Untracked
      | 40|0x0000000082800000, 0x0000000082800000, 0x0000000082900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082800000, 0x0000000082800000| Untracked
      | 41|0x0000000082900000, 0x0000000082900000, 0x0000000082a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082900000, 0x0000000082900000| Untracked
      | 42|0x0000000082a00000, 0x0000000082a00000, 0x0000000082b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082a00000, 0x0000000082a00000| Untracked
      | 43|0x0000000082b00000, 0x0000000082b00000, 0x0000000082c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082b00000, 0x0000000082b00000| Untracked
      | 44|0x0000000082c00000, 0x0000000082c00000, 0x0000000082d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082c00000, 0x0000000082c00000| Untracked
      | 45|0x0000000082d00000, 0x0000000082d00000, 0x0000000082e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082d00000, 0x0000000082d00000| Untracked
      | 46|0x0000000082e00000, 0x0000000082e00000, 0x0000000082f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082e00000, 0x0000000082e00000| Untracked
      | 47|0x0000000082f00000, 0x0000000082f00000, 0x0000000083000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000082f00000, 0x0000000082f00000| Untracked
      | 48|0x0000000083000000, 0x0000000083000000, 0x0000000083100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083000000, 0x0000000083000000| Untracked
      | 49|0x0000000083100000, 0x0000000083100000, 0x0000000083200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083100000, 0x0000000083100000| Untracked
      | 50|0x0000000083200000, 0x0000000083200000, 0x0000000083300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083200000, 0x0000000083200000| Untracked
      | 51|0x0000000083300000, 0x0000000083300000, 0x0000000083400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083300000, 0x0000000083300000| Untracked
      | 52|0x0000000083400000, 0x0000000083400000, 0x0000000083500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083400000, 0x0000000083400000| Untracked
      | 53|0x0000000083500000, 0x0000000083500000, 0x0000000083600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083500000, 0x0000000083500000| Untracked
      | 54|0x0000000083600000, 0x0000000083600000, 0x0000000083700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083600000, 0x0000000083600000| Untracked
      | 55|0x0000000083700000, 0x0000000083700000, 0x0000000083800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083700000, 0x0000000083700000| Untracked
      | 56|0x0000000083800000, 0x0000000083800000, 0x0000000083900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083800000, 0x0000000083800000| Untracked
      | 57|0x0000000083900000, 0x0000000083900000, 0x0000000083a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083900000, 0x0000000083900000| Untracked
      | 58|0x0000000083a00000, 0x0000000083a00000, 0x0000000083b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083a00000, 0x0000000083a00000| Untracked
      | 59|0x0000000083b00000, 0x0000000083b00000, 0x0000000083c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083b00000, 0x0000000083b00000| Untracked
      | 60|0x0000000083c00000, 0x0000000083c00000, 0x0000000083d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083c00000, 0x0000000083c00000| Untracked
      | 61|0x0000000083d00000, 0x0000000083d00000, 0x0000000083e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083d00000, 0x0000000083d00000| Untracked
      | 62|0x0000000083e00000, 0x0000000083e00000, 0x0000000083f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083e00000, 0x0000000083e00000| Untracked
      | 63|0x0000000083f00000, 0x0000000083f00000, 0x0000000084000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000083f00000, 0x0000000083f00000| Untracked
      | 64|0x0000000084000000, 0x0000000084000000, 0x0000000084100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084000000, 0x0000000084000000| Untracked
      | 65|0x0000000084100000, 0x0000000084100000, 0x0000000084200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084100000, 0x0000000084100000| Untracked
      | 66|0x0000000084200000, 0x0000000084200000, 0x0000000084300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084200000, 0x0000000084200000| Untracked
      | 67|0x0000000084300000, 0x0000000084300000, 0x0000000084400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084300000, 0x0000000084300000| Untracked
      | 68|0x0000000084400000, 0x0000000084400000, 0x0000000084500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084400000, 0x0000000084400000| Untracked
      | 69|0x0000000084500000, 0x0000000084500000, 0x0000000084600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084500000, 0x0000000084500000| Untracked
      | 70|0x0000000084600000, 0x0000000084600000, 0x0000000084700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084600000, 0x0000000084600000| Untracked
      | 71|0x0000000084700000, 0x0000000084700000, 0x0000000084800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084700000, 0x0000000084700000| Untracked
      | 72|0x0000000084800000, 0x0000000084800000, 0x0000000084900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084800000, 0x0000000084800000| Untracked
      | 73|0x0000000084900000, 0x0000000084900000, 0x0000000084a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084900000, 0x0000000084900000| Untracked
      | 74|0x0000000084a00000, 0x0000000084a00000, 0x0000000084b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084a00000, 0x0000000084a00000| Untracked
      | 75|0x0000000084b00000, 0x0000000084b00000, 0x0000000084c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084b00000, 0x0000000084b00000| Untracked
      | 76|0x0000000084c00000, 0x0000000084c00000, 0x0000000084d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084c00000, 0x0000000084c00000| Untracked
      | 77|0x0000000084d00000, 0x0000000084d00000, 0x0000000084e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084d00000, 0x0000000084d00000| Untracked
      | 78|0x0000000084e00000, 0x0000000084e00000, 0x0000000084f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084e00000, 0x0000000084e00000| Untracked
      | 79|0x0000000084f00000, 0x0000000084f00000, 0x0000000085000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000084f00000, 0x0000000084f00000| Untracked
      | 80|0x0000000085000000, 0x0000000085000000, 0x0000000085100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085000000, 0x0000000085000000| Untracked
      | 81|0x0000000085100000, 0x0000000085100000, 0x0000000085200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085100000, 0x0000000085100000| Untracked
      | 82|0x0000000085200000, 0x0000000085200000, 0x0000000085300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085200000, 0x0000000085200000| Untracked
      | 83|0x0000000085300000, 0x0000000085300000, 0x0000000085400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085300000, 0x0000000085300000| Untracked
      | 84|0x0000000085400000, 0x0000000085400000, 0x0000000085500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085400000, 0x0000000085400000| Untracked
      | 85|0x0000000085500000, 0x0000000085500000, 0x0000000085600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085500000, 0x0000000085500000| Untracked
      | 86|0x0000000085600000, 0x0000000085600000, 0x0000000085700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085600000, 0x0000000085600000| Untracked
      | 87|0x0000000085700000, 0x0000000085700000, 0x0000000085800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085700000, 0x0000000085700000| Untracked
      | 88|0x0000000085800000, 0x0000000085800000, 0x0000000085900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085800000, 0x0000000085800000| Untracked
      | 89|0x0000000085900000, 0x0000000085900000, 0x0000000085a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085900000, 0x0000000085900000| Untracked
      | 90|0x0000000085a00000, 0x0000000085a00000, 0x0000000085b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085a00000, 0x0000000085a00000| Untracked
      | 91|0x0000000085b00000, 0x0000000085b00000, 0x0000000085c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085b00000, 0x0000000085b00000| Untracked
      | 92|0x0000000085c00000, 0x0000000085c00000, 0x0000000085d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085c00000, 0x0000000085c00000| Untracked
      | 93|0x0000000085d00000, 0x0000000085d00000, 0x0000000085e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085d00000, 0x0000000085d00000| Untracked
      | 94|0x0000000085e00000, 0x0000000085e00000, 0x0000000085f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085e00000, 0x0000000085e00000| Untracked
      | 95|0x0000000085f00000, 0x0000000085f00000, 0x0000000086000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000085f00000, 0x0000000085f00000| Untracked
      | 96|0x0000000086000000, 0x0000000086000000, 0x0000000086100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086000000, 0x0000000086000000| Untracked
      | 97|0x0000000086100000, 0x0000000086100000, 0x0000000086200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086100000, 0x0000000086100000| Untracked
      | 98|0x0000000086200000, 0x0000000086200000, 0x0000000086300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086200000, 0x0000000086200000| Untracked
      | 99|0x0000000086300000, 0x0000000086300000, 0x0000000086400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086300000, 0x0000000086300000| Untracked
      | 100|0x0000000086400000, 0x0000000086400000, 0x0000000086500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086400000, 0x0000000086400000| Untracked
      | 101|0x0000000086500000, 0x0000000086500000, 0x0000000086600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086500000, 0x0000000086500000| Untracked
      | 102|0x0000000086600000, 0x0000000086600000, 0x0000000086700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086600000, 0x0000000086600000| Untracked
      | 103|0x0000000086700000, 0x0000000086700000, 0x0000000086800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086700000, 0x0000000086700000| Untracked
      | 104|0x0000000086800000, 0x0000000086800000, 0x0000000086900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086800000, 0x0000000086800000| Untracked
      | 105|0x0000000086900000, 0x0000000086900000, 0x0000000086a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086900000, 0x0000000086900000| Untracked
      | 106|0x0000000086a00000, 0x0000000086a00000, 0x0000000086b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086a00000, 0x0000000086a00000| Untracked
      | 107|0x0000000086b00000, 0x0000000086b00000, 0x0000000086c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086b00000, 0x0000000086b00000| Untracked
      | 108|0x0000000086c00000, 0x0000000086c00000, 0x0000000086d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086c00000, 0x0000000086c00000| Untracked
      | 109|0x0000000086d00000, 0x0000000086d00000, 0x0000000086e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086d00000, 0x0000000086d00000| Untracked
      | 110|0x0000000086e00000, 0x0000000086e00000, 0x0000000086f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086e00000, 0x0000000086e00000| Untracked
      | 111|0x0000000086f00000, 0x0000000086f00000, 0x0000000087000000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000086f00000, 0x0000000086f00000| Untracked
      | 112|0x0000000087000000, 0x0000000087000000, 0x0000000087100000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087000000, 0x0000000087000000| Untracked
      | 113|0x0000000087100000, 0x0000000087100000, 0x0000000087200000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087100000, 0x0000000087100000| Untracked
      | 114|0x0000000087200000, 0x0000000087200000, 0x0000000087300000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087200000, 0x0000000087200000| Untracked
      | 115|0x0000000087300000, 0x0000000087300000, 0x0000000087400000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087300000, 0x0000000087300000| Untracked
      | 116|0x0000000087400000, 0x0000000087400000, 0x0000000087500000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087400000, 0x0000000087400000| Untracked
      | 117|0x0000000087500000, 0x0000000087500000, 0x0000000087600000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087500000, 0x0000000087500000| Untracked
      | 118|0x0000000087600000, 0x0000000087600000, 0x0000000087700000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087600000, 0x0000000087600000| Untracked
      | 119|0x0000000087700000, 0x0000000087700000, 0x0000000087800000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087700000, 0x0000000087700000| Untracked
      | 120|0x0000000087800000, 0x0000000087800000, 0x0000000087900000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087800000, 0x0000000087800000| Untracked
      | 121|0x0000000087900000, 0x0000000087900000, 0x0000000087a00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087900000, 0x0000000087900000| Untracked
      | 122|0x0000000087a00000, 0x0000000087a00000, 0x0000000087b00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087a00000, 0x0000000087a00000| Untracked
      | 123|0x0000000087b00000, 0x0000000087b00000, 0x0000000087c00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087b00000, 0x0000000087b00000| Untracked
      | 124|0x0000000087c00000, 0x0000000087c00000, 0x0000000087d00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087c00000, 0x0000000087c00000| Untracked
      | 125|0x0000000087d00000, 0x0000000087d00000, 0x0000000087e00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087d00000, 0x0000000087d00000| Untracked
      | 126|0x0000000087e00000, 0x0000000087e00000, 0x0000000087f00000| 0%| F| |TAMS 0x0000000087e00000, 0x0000000087e00000| Untracked
      | 127|0x0000000087f00000, 0x0000000087f42900, 0x0000000088000000| 26%| E| |TAMS 0x0000000087f00000, 0x0000000087f00000| Complete

      Card table byte_map: [0x0000023237fd0000,0x00000232383d0000] _byte_map_base: 0x0000023237bd0000

      Marking Bits (Prev, Next): (CMBitMap) 0x0000023228a780a0, (CMBitMap) 0x0000023228a780e0
      Prev Bits: [0x00000232387d0000, 0x000002323a7d0000)
      Next Bits: [0x000002323a7d0000, 0x000002323c7d0000)

      GC Heap History (0 events):
      No events

      Deoptimization events (0 events):
      No events

      Classes unloaded (0 events):
      No events

      Classes redefined (0 events):
      No events

      Internal exceptions (0 events):
      No events

      Events (2 events):
      Event: 0.114 Loaded shared library C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\java.dll
      Event: 0.130 loading class java/lang/Object

      Dynamic libraries:
      0x00007ff639e90000 - 0x00007ff639f3b000 C:\Program Files\Spine\Spine.exe
      0x00007ffe77c10000 - 0x00007ffe77e08000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll
      0x00007ffe77b10000 - 0x00007ffe77bcf000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL
      0x00007ffe75500000 - 0x00007ffe757f6000 C:\Windows\System32\KERNELBASE.dll
      0x00007ffe72a30000 - 0x00007ffe72ac1000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\apphelp.dll
      0x00007ffe368f0000 - 0x00007ffe36d86000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\AcLayers.DLL
      0x00007ffe77450000 - 0x00007ffe774ee000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcrt.dll
      0x00007ffe75f10000 - 0x00007ffe760ad000 C:\Windows\System32\USER32.dll
      0x00007ffe75b40000 - 0x00007ffe75b62000 C:\Windows\System32\win32u.dll
      0x00007ffe77140000 - 0x00007ffe7716c000 C:\Windows\System32\GDI32.dll
      0x00007ffe753e0000 - 0x00007ffe754f5000 C:\Windows\System32\gdi32full.dll
      0x00007ffe75800000 - 0x00007ffe7589d000 C:\Windows\System32\msvcp_win.dll
      0x00007ffe75b70000 - 0x00007ffe75c70000 C:\Windows\System32\ucrtbase.dll
      0x00007ffe766a0000 - 0x00007ffe76de4000 C:\Windows\System32\SHELL32.dll
      0x00007ffe75eb0000 - 0x00007ffe75f05000 C:\Windows\System32\SHLWAPI.dll
      0x00007ffe75c70000 - 0x00007ffe75d1f000 C:\Windows\System32\ADVAPI32.dll
      0x00007ffe77a60000 - 0x00007ffe77afc000 C:\Windows\System32\sechost.dll
      0x00007ffe76ee0000 - 0x00007ffe77006000 C:\Windows\System32\RPCRT4.dll
      0x0000023226130000 - 0x0000023226133000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc.dll
      0x00007ffe5fe40000 - 0x00007ffe5fed8000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINSPOOL.DRV
      0x00007ffe53c70000 - 0x00007ffe53c82000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\sfc_os.DLL
      0x00007ffe71c10000 - 0x00007ffe71c21000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\SortWindows61.dll
      0x00007ffe760b0000 - 0x00007ffe760e0000 C:\Windows\System32\IMM32.DLL
      0x00007ffe76290000 - 0x00007ffe7633d000 C:\Windows\System32\shcore.dll
      0x00007ffe76340000 - 0x00007ffe76694000 C:\Windows\System32\combase.dll
      0x00007ffe54fa0000 - 0x00007ffe5509a000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\ucrtbase.dll
      0x00007ffe52cf0000 - 0x00007ffe52d81000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\msvcp140.dll
      0x00007ffe71bf0000 - 0x00007ffe71c09000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\VCRUNTIME140.dll
      0x00007ffe71be0000 - 0x00007ffe71bec000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\VCRUNTIME140_1.dll
      0x00007ffe2b600000 - 0x00007ffe2ea2b000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\server\jvm.dll
      0x00007ffe773d0000 - 0x00007ffe773d8000 C:\Windows\System32\PSAPI.DLL
      0x00007ffe62bb0000 - 0x00007ffe62bd7000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINMM.dll
      0x00007ffe6ec80000 - 0x00007ffe6ec8a000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\VERSION.dll
      0x00007ffe71b50000 - 0x00007ffe71b59000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WSOCK32.dll
      0x00007ffe773e0000 - 0x00007ffe7744b000 C:\Windows\System32\WS2_32.dll
      0x00007ffe6e6d0000 - 0x00007ffe6e7da000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\WINHTTP.dll
      0x00007ffe61090000 - 0x00007ffe61274000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\DBGHELP.DLL
      0x00007ffe5cf00000 - 0x00007ffe5cf34000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\dbgcore.DLL
      0x00007ffe75a00000 - 0x00007ffe75a82000 C:\Windows\System32\bcryptPrimitives.dll
      0x00007ffe5a910000 - 0x00007ffe5a935000 C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\java.dll
      0x00007ffe731d0000 - 0x00007ffe731e2000 C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\kernel.appcore.dll

      dbghelp: loaded successfully - version: 4.0.5 - missing functions: none
      symbol engine: initialized successfully - sym options: 0x614 - pdb path: .;C:\Program Files\Spine;C:\Windows\SYSTEM32;C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin;C:\Program Files\Spine\launcher\2\bin\server

      Log output configuration:
      #0: stdout all=warning uptime,level,tags
      #1: stderr all=off uptime,level,tags

      Environment Variables:
      PATH=C:\Program Files\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Program Files (x86)\Common Files\Oracle\Java\javapath;C:\Windows\system32;C:\Windows;C:\Windows\System32\Wbem;C:\Windows\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\;C:\Windows\System32\OpenSSH\;C:\Program Files\TortoiseSVN\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\NVIDIA Corporation\PhysX\Common;C:\Program Files\NVIDIA Corporation\NVIDIA NvDLISR;C:\Program Files\dotnet\;%JAVA_HOME%\bin;
      PROCESSOR_IDENTIFIER=Intel64 Family 6 Model 42 Stepping 7, GenuineIntel

      --------------- S Y S T E M ---------------

      Windows 10, 64 bit Build 19041 (10.0.19041.2913)
      OS uptime: 0 days 1:43 hours

      CPU: total 4 (initial active 4) (4 cores per cpu, 1 threads per core) family 6 model 42 stepping 7 microcode 0x2f, cx8, cmov, fxsr, mmx, sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse4.1, sse4.2, popcnt, tsc, tscinvbit, avx, aes, clmul, vzeroupper, clflush

      Memory: 4k page, system-wide physical 8174M (2397M free)
      TotalPageFile size 10944M (AvailPageFile size 2071M)
      current process WorkingSet (physical memory assigned to process): 85M, peak: 85M
      current process commit charge ("private bytes"): 259M, peak: 259M


      I've been diligently going through the forum right now and couldn't find anything that could help me. I don't have another antivirus and I have no idea what can interfere with the program. and I disabled the win 10 defender a long time ago and added the folder to the exceptions.all the programs that I managed to install worked perfectly with spine.

      Sorry you are still having trouble! This is hard for us to say, as Spine can't know what other software is causing the issue. 🙁 Your best bet would be to scan your computer. Unfortunately I can't recommend a scanning program, as I haven't needed to this in many years. There are lists like this:
      For example, maybe Bitdefender (the free version here):
      Ironically after scanning, you may need to whitelist Spine in Bitdefender, or uninstall Bitdefender completely. You shouldn't need an antivirus if you have a firewall and are careful about the software you run.

      Otherwise the culprit could be some software that you wouldn't normally expect to infiltrate the processes of other software. You could look through your installed programs for anything suspicious.

      You could also run Task Manager (ctrl+shift+escape) and look through the processes on the Details tab. This is a bit technical and it takes some time to get used to what you should be seeing, but then if something you aren't used to seeing shows up, then you can investigate what it is and why is it running.

      I downloaded the antivirus. However, he was not active. Windows Defender did not transfer responsibilities to and... Instead of disabling the defender, I decided to use it to check the standalone module. He found 1 threat, but after that the Spine worked.

      • Erika 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..

      That's great! Especially since it proves that whatever unwanted software that was removed was attaching to Spine (and surely other processes) and mucking around. I'm glad you got it off your computer, who knows what it could have been doing.