• International
  • a problem when export as two PNGs in UNITY

As I export as two PNGs in UNITY, and check the Write to depth in material
These two materials(2 PNGs) in one skeleton will have a bad edge,
Unless i cancel the Write to depth or make it as a whole PNG
But the project require it as 2 PNGs(<2048) and write to depth

Is there any solution to fix the edge, I have try different blend mode, it is always black or white noise

  • Misaki님이 이에 답장했습니다.
    Related Discussions

    enjack Are you saying that the PNGs were "exported as two PNGs in Unity", so the characters we see in the screenshot are not using the textures exported from Spine, but PNGs that were re-exported afterwards? If so, they might have been saved with different settings than the original PNG in the later step.

    First, let me confirm: The skeleton can be displayed correctly if you import the skeleton files exported from Spine as they are. Then you say that if you perform certain steps, you will get black or white edges on some parts of your skeleton. Is this understanding correct?
    If I am correct, could you tell me more about the process you are doing in Unity?

    • enjack님이 이에 답장했습니다.

      Misaki They are images exported from spine, cuz it is too large so it is separated as 2 files. It exceeds the max size I set 20482048.
      And there will be two materials in Unity, when I tick on the depth, the sides between two materails(which are the same set) cant perform well. If I dont tick the depth, it is good, but our project needs depth.
      Now, I make the images exported smaller as one image from spine, which can fix the problem, it performs good in Unity.
      Just wanna know any other ways to fix it. Cuz the spine contains a lot of skin images and more and more later, it cant exported as one image with 2048
      2048, (and our project requires 2048 max, cuz images over 2048 will have problems in some Androids)

      • Misaki님이 이에 답장했습니다.

        enjack I see, thanks for the clarification. The Skin.GetRepackedSkin() method can be used to combine used texture regions of a collected skin to a single texture at runtime. See the "Runtime Repacking
        " section of the spine-unity runtime documentation for more information: https://esotericsoftware.com/spine-unity#Combining-Skins

        • enjack님이 이에 답장했습니다.
          4일 후


          I have tried the texture repacking, but there are some errors in Unity , don't know why, here is the screenshot

          • Misaki님이 이에 답장했습니다.

            enjack Have you read the "Important Note" in the "Runtime Repacking" section of the spine-unity runtime documentation?:

            Important Note: If repacking fails or creates unexpected results, it is most likely due to any of the following causes:

            • Read/Write is disabled: Depending on platform capabilities, you may need to set the Read/Write Enabled parameter at source textures that shall be combined to a repacked texture.

            • Compression is enabled: Depending on the platform, ensure that the source texture has Texture import setting Compression set to None instead of Normal Quality.

            • Quality tier uses half/quarter resolution textures: There is a known Unity bug that copies incorrect regions when half or quarter resolution rextures are used. Ensure that all Quality tiers in Project Settings are using full resolution textures.

            • The source texture is not a power-of-two texture but Unity enlarges it to the closest power:
              Either a) export from Spine with Pack Settings Power of two enabled, or b) make sure the atlas Texture import settings in Unity has Non-Power of Two set to None.

            If you are sure that none of these factors apply to your case, but you are still receiving errors, please let us know.