Hello, I am having problem when set the pivot point in Unity. I tried to sort layers on Y axis but I noticed that Spine Animation is not sorting right, somehow it is like the pivot is in center of character (that the character appeared behind the wall on the screenshot below) instead of root position (0,0)

Why does this happen and how to fix it?

Related Discussions

@raaan127 You need to add a SortingGroup component at the SkeletonRenderer's GameObject. Unfortunately the MeshRenderer API does not allow to customize the sorting point from center to pivot, therefore this additional component is required.

You can find older forum threads about this topic here:

  • raaan127님이 이에 답장했습니다.
  • raaan127 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..
    13일 후

    Harald Is there any way to get custom pivot? I am trying to use separator but this Sorting Group bring all the separator renderer's pivot to root.

    • Harald님이 이에 답장했습니다.

      raaan127 Is there any way to get custom pivot?

      After you've attached the SortingGroup component, the GameObject's transform should be used as pivot. If you need an offset, I'm afraid you will need to use a separate GameObject (one for the pivot and SortingGroup, one for the SkeletonRenderer) to move the pivot independently of the SkeletonRenderer. (That is, unless there is a way to adjust the pivot of the SortingGroup component, unfortunately we don't know any.)