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Spine 3.7 "locks" my png files
Hi, just recently updated to 3.7, and I am facing something that did not happen to me in 3.6x versions.
It is happening mainly when I use png sequences inside spine.
when spine is opened and the project is loaded with a slot that has a png sequence in it, I can't successfully update the sequence on the hard disk from After effects.
When I try to render an overwrite sequence in After Effects, the rendered pngs are corrupt. I have to exit spine or close the project, overwrite the sequence then load the project again.
I've done this in 3.6x many times and never encountered this issue, is this a know issue? anyone else had this?
Hello OzAdi, that's weird! I just tested out editing pngs while a Spine project is open and it works normally for me. What OS are you on? (I'm on windows)
Hi Erika, I am on windows 10..
I am using a very old after effects version (because of old plugins licenses), so if you are saying this issue is not known to you, maybe it has something to do with Spine 3.7 and old versions of after..(I assume you are using newer versions of AE) I will try it with latest version of after effect..
I tried with a new version of AE, and it is the same, as long as the spine project is opened, my overwritten pngs are corrupt..
I am on spine 3.7.87 pro , and launcher 3.7.81.
I exported the project to json from 3.7 and opened it in 3.6.36, tried to update the sequence from AE while Spine project is opened and everything worked fine..
That is very strange. Spine doesn't keep the image files open. You can use something like LockHunter to verify this. Spine does monitor folders, but that should not prevent the folder from being deleted or renamed and won't affect writing images files in the folder.
Spine monitors the image folders so the OS can tell it when files change. When an image file changes, Spine notes its length and waits 150ms. If the file's length has changed in that time, it waits another 150ms and repeats. If the file hasn't changed, Spine reloads the image, which consists of opening the image file for reading, reading the bytes, and closing the file. This whole process should not interfere with AE writing images and hasn't changed from 3.6 to 3.7.
Does it happen with other programs (eg Photoshop), or just AE?
In our tests, we are able to modify image files just fine. What is the easiest way we could see the same behavior you are seeing? That would really help us a lot!
Hi Nate, thanks for the explanation!
The files are not exactly locked.. I can still delete them or rename them in windows explorer, but when I try to render them again in AE overwriting the old files, most of the files get corrupted and can't be opened by windows photoviewer, and of course spine tells me that images could not be loaded.
So far it happens only with AE.
I can not send you the project I am working on at the moment because of confidentiality, but as soon as I finish this in a couple of days, I will try to make a mockup of the project, that will reproduce the problem, and also supply you with the AE project to update the png sequence in spine.
have you tested it with a sequence of frames on a single slot? so far it happened just when I try overwriting a sequence that inside spine has keys on it's visibility
Maybe it's something to do with AE writing many images. The simple test of just writing one image file works. I'm not sure how Spine's interaction could cause AE to write corrupt image files, but anything is possible. Looking forward to being able to reproduce the problem so we can fix it!
Hi Nate,
I can't seem to be able to re reproduce the problem, might be a defective project, or some problems with our network at work...
Hopefully it was a problem not related to spine
Thank you for the help.