I have a question regarding the export:
I've been using Dragonbones for another project on a different company and Dragonbones has an option to scale the exported files (.json, .png and .atlas), for example if my drawing is coming from photoshop with a scale of 2048x2048 what I do in Spine is to scale it with the script in photoshop to 50% for example (You always have to draw textures bigger than you really need). In Dragonbones obviously I can do the same with the script before working inside Dragonbones, but at the same time Dragonbones let me scale it when exporting the .json, texture atlas and texture itself from Dragonbones.
Can Spine do the same?
scale the export files? .atlas, .png and the .json?
Why I'm I asking this?
because the advantage of this is that If I scale it when exporting I have the flexibility to change the scale of the files for Unity whenever I want because the data is not lost of the rig nor the animations. When I scale it from Photoshop with the script I have to re-do all the rig in Spine and because of that obviously all the animations, it's not simply replace the images because the rig will have a different size in comparison to the exported attachments.
So in Dragon Bones if I rig and animate with the attachments at 1024x1024 or even 2048x2048, then I can re-scale them when exporting to whatever % of the size and that way I don't lose the rig and the animations. If I wanted 512x512 instead of 1024x1024 I just re-export with a 25% instead of 50% and done.
Thank you!
Maybe there is documentation for that but I haven't read it.
Hopefully I explained it clearly.