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  • v1.3.27 - dopesheet changes

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v1.3.27 is now available. This has lots of changes, but the most extensive were changes to the dopesheet. I had to rewrite a lot of code for how keys are manipulated in the dopesheet. I tested it very thoroughly, but please keep your eyes out for anything strange, and of course keep backups of your project files.

Found a small thing. Nothing horrible though.

When you duplicate an animation, the new animation doesn't have the dopesheet summary on top, despite the original animation having one, even after you switch to another one and back to it.

I can get the summary to reappear by (1) moving one of the keys or (2) reloading the project.

Good find, thanks!

Another small bug, still nothing major:

If you set the current frame to anything except 0, and then zoom in, it will zoom in on the current frame but there is no scroll bar to get the view back to 0. The only ways to get the view back are to either zoom out of the dopesheet again, or drag the current frame left. This also acts wrong if you set the current frame to the last frame and press the little auto-adjust zoom button, but the scroll bar appears and you can click it to correct the visible frames.

So for example, if you have a 40 frame animation, and set the current frame to 40 (your last frame), and zoom in so only 40 frames are visible, then you will only be able to see frames 20 through 60. There won't be a scroll bar because the total visible frames >= number of frames in the animation, and you can't look at earlier frames without changing the current frame.

Hope this makes sense!

Right-click-drag left and right on the dopesheet to scroll left and right.
Just like you right-click drag on the viewport to pan.

I've changed the scrollbar so it shows up in this case, you can click it to be taken back to where your keys are. Thanks for reporting!

Note you can right click drag anywhere in the dopesheet or timeline to pan.

Got another one for you, this is a little worse, it crashes the program:

Start with a single bone selected. Then rotate the bone, and click the key for rotation. On the dopesheet there will be 2 green boxes. Then rotate the bone again, and then click the orange key. This time, the dopesheet will have 2 green boxes and a white box (the white box doesn't belong). Clicking the white box will then crash the program. This can be reproduced with any type of keyframe (rotation, scale, translation etc), and happens using both the 'k' key and clicking the key buttons.

Hope this helps!

Many crashs when I use the delete button on dopesheet menu. (PC version)

Thanks TheInventionist, that was a good find. I've spent hours reworking the damned dopesheet stuff, both to fix the crashing and also so it works with gigantic projects (1000+ animations) and animations (8000+ keys). I think I have fixed everything in 1.3.29, which I'll upload soon.

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One more crash, involving undo:

Select a bone, and set current frame to somewhere without keys. Add a rotate key, which adds two green blocks (one in the animations row, one in the rotate row) and immediately undo. This only gets rid of the rotate block, and clicking the remaining green animation block crashes spine.

Another way to do this is add a rotate and then a translation key, which gives you two white blocks (one in the animations row, one in the bones row) a green block in the rotate row, and a blue block in the translation row. Undo the translation key, and you're left with two white blocks and a green block. Clicking either of the white blocks crashes the program.

I believe this is the same issue mentioned in this topic: http://www.esotericsoftware.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=718. This crash still happens on the most recent update, 1.3.29, as well. I'll keep testing things and let you know if I find anything, keep up the good work!

Another issue: In the export menu, selecting GIF and then clicking the background color box crashes spine.

Also, would you prefer me to email contact@esotericsoftware.com, or posting here on the forum? I just noticed on the little crash screen you say to email you, so if that would be easier I'll send any bugs I find to the email instead.

Email or here in the forums is fine, which ever is easiest for you. Good job finding these! You're a natural. 🙂

TheInventionist wrote

Select a bone, and set current frame to somewhere without keys. Add a rotate key, which adds two green blocks (one in the animations row, one in the rotate row) and immediately undo. This only gets rid of the rotate block, and clicking the remaining green animation block crashes spine.

This one I can't reproduce with 1.3.29.

Another way to do this is add a rotate and then a translation key, which gives you two white blocks (one in the animations row, one in the bones row) a green block in the rotate row, and a blue block in the translation row. Undo the translation key, and you're left with two white blocks and a green block. Clicking either of the white blocks crashes the program.

This I see, good find! Thank you!

I'll take a look at the GIF export button crash. Keep 'em coming! 😃

Ok, 1.3.30 is uploading now. It should fix the dopesheet crash you reported and also the GIF export color button crash. Thanks!! 🙂

I found a couple more dopesheet bugs, will fix tomorrow, gotta sleep. Been up all night working on a secret feature... rhymes with bunion spinning! :o

working on a feature all night: the reason why anyone's a programmer.

looking forward to canyon winning!

Spine crash when I double click on a key to supress it. 🙂

Nate wrote

I found a couple more dopesheet bugs, will fix tomorrow, gotta sleep. Been up all night working on a secret feature... rhymes with bunion spinning! :o

Onion Skinning xD

I just noticed you have the github up to submit issues, so I'll start using that to let you know anything I come across.