The large memory footprint was NOT there before.
Using Unity 5.3.4p6.
My prefab has the Skeleton Animation and a bunch of stuff. I created a new prefab with SkeletonAnimation and tested with the same results.
There is one large 1024x1024 texture. Power of two, squared.
Using Json.
public void CreateTestMoiku() {
GameObject ob = Instantiate(testMoikuPrefab) as GameObject; =;
That's it and I my memory in Xcode goes from 280 to 514 ish.
I can try creating several of them. But something is off and the moment I noticed this was when I updated my spine runtime.
I appreciate your questions and help with this. Thanks!
EDIT: Creating more DOES NOT incur more memory. Just creating a simple spine SkeletonAnimation prefab makes memory explode by 220 megs.