Thanks, but it doesn't work.I have created the button and I use this code :
void OnMouseUpAsButton()
GameObject pers = GameObject.FindGameObjectWithTag("player");
SkeletonAnimation myanim = pers.transform.GetChild(0).GetComponent<SkeletonAnimation>();
Bone[] bones = myanim.skeleton.bones.Items;
JSONObject _j;
myanim.UpdateLocal += delegate {
_j=new JSONObject(PlayerPrefs.GetString("mesh"));
for(int i=0;i<_j.Count;i++)
for(int j=0;j<bones.Length;j++)
bones[j].rotation = _j[i]["r"].n;
bones[j].x = _j[i]["x"].n;
bones[j].y = _j[i]["y"].n;
That is bones change a position and the mesh - doesn't do it. I need to change position of bones once for example by clicking. After that Meshattachment have to change. The Meshattachment of a skirt hasn't changed. I also tried UpdateWorldTransform and it has also not helped