It happens often when im using pose tool. After a while I cant select the red crosshair at the end of the bones. It doesn't change to green as usual and i cant move it at all.
Sometimes i can click on another tool and sometimes it repairs it but sometimes i cant click even on other tools neither. However as i noticed the upper program menu stays always usable somehow.
Restarting Spine repairs the problem changing or minimizing the window dont. Clicking is still working in other programs.
This problem appears with pen and also with mouse in the same time.
I just observed the problem more closely. It happens when im trying to use the pose tool especially when i got multiple bones selected. I cant select the crosshair at the and of the bones instead I just mass select everytime with left click.
However the crosshair at the end of some other bones can still be selected but much more harder. Needs more a accurate click or needs to hold the left click on them for a sec or something i dont know, but it feels more harder.
I am using OS X El Capitan v10.11.4 and Wacom Cintiq driver 6.3.15-3.