I've been using Spine for just over a year. Over the last few weeks I've started getting weird results. Everything will look great within Spine, but when testing certain pieces won't match. Like pngs are scaling opposite, and it visibly breaks the character. There are no errors in the Corona tester, such as cardinal angles being wrong. My team can't recreate this issue either. One of them discovered if I deleted the offending bones and remade them new length 0 then it seems to fix. Though finding which bone is at fault is a lot of trial and error. Doing that is time consuming, especially since I need to redo animation.
I've gotten different advice to how to fix it. Like only working in Parent and World Axes. I'm a fan of working in Local. In setup keeping all the bones at 90 degree angles vs. not. Tried all of these. Nothing. They seem like preferences only.
I both reinstalled and updated twice over the last month. First reinstall was for the updater breaking. The newest issue is when our programmer tests out my animation the placement of where the programming takes over changes when it's supposed to be in the same place every time. I think it's related. Like the math somewhere for bone relationships rounds wrong.
I think I broke it 🙁
Any ideas on what I should do?