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WiEngine now supports Spine!
I finished Spine support in WiEngine: https://github.com/stubma/WiEngine. Maybe something need to be polished or changed when final documentation is out, but the example json works like a magic. View the demo in WiEngineDemos_native/Node/Spine.
When you guys release Spine, please add WiEngine to supported engine list, thanks!
Very nice, thank you!
Please note that in v1.0.9 the JSON format has changed. Instead of using JSON maps where order is important, an array is used and the key is moved into each array element. This was done because many JSON parsers lose map order. This means you'll have to change your Spine loader slightly, but it should be a relatively small change. Sorry about that. We don't foresee the format changing again.
That's fine, I will change that when 1.0.9 released. So there is 11 days to release 1.0.9? I am waiting my license.
1.0.9 will be out today. Yes, there are 11 days until the Kickstarter is complete, at which point we will send licenses to all the backers. For those that must have the full version of Spine right now, it is available on our site but with less of a discount.