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  • Blood will be Spilled: 2D spaghetti western action platforme

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Hi guys, I would like to introduce you our project called Blood will be Spilled. It is a spaghetti-western-themed 2D action platformer taking place in a world inhabited by insects. You follow the story of Jack, a mosquito gunslinger and bounty hunter, on his quest for revenge. We are four guys, developing the game in Unity and doing all the animations in Spine. It's our first game.

So everyone, meet Jack.

Here is our first pre-alpha teaser trailer that we put together in november

We also managed to put together our first playable prototype that we showcased on conference in Vienna.

We are still in quite early stages of development, but I would be glad for any feedback 🙂
If you wanted to know more, or follow our progress, be sure to check out our website or social channels.
Website: http://www.bloodwillbespilled.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/blwbs
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/bloodwillbespilled
Indie DB: http://www.indiedb.com/games/blood-will-be-spilled

6일 후

Interesting style, I like it.

Please keep us updated 🙂

17일 후
12일 후

Thanks guys! 🙂

Our main character went through a few design changes and we also tried to polish the animations.
So, here is the current walk animation of our main character.

And here is a video capturing the evolution of our walk animation. When we started, I was totally new to character animations. I hope it got a little better with time. 🙂 Again, I would really appreciate any feedback.

Why did it take months to get the walking animation correct? Excuse my ignorance. I'm new to 2D skeletal animation.

I like it. Much better than your original post. I would offset the keys on his far antenna so they both don't move at the same time. Try moving the keys forward a couple frames. That might help. Nice job though.

jfelrod1960 wrote

Why did it take months to get the walking animation correct? Excuse my ignorance. I'm new to 2D skeletal animation.

Nah, it's a totally valid question. 🙂 One of the reasons was, that I am also quite new to 2D skeletal animation or animations of characters in general, not to say four legged. And in the each iteration, the version was "good enough" for prototyping, so we moved to other animations, or (as we are a really small team and I have to do various tasks) game design, level design, or other graphic works like interfaces etc. Then, after a while, we always realised that the animation is somewhat ugly, so I tried to do it again. 🙂 So that's the story behind it, basically.

take10animation wrote

I like it. Much better than your original post. I would offset the keys on his far antenna so they both don't move at the same time. Try moving the keys forward a couple frames. That might help. Nice job though.

Thank you! And yeah, that's actually a good idea. I'll try that. 🙂

4달 후
Ivanneke wrote
jfelrod1960 wrote

Why did it take months to get the walking animation correct? Excuse my ignorance. I'm new to 2D skeletal animation.

Nah, it's a totally valid question. 🙂 One of the reasons was, that I am also quite new to 2D skeletal animation or animations of characters in general, not to say four legged. And in the each iteration, the version was "good enough" for prototyping, so we moved to other animations, or (as we are a really small team and I have to do various tasks) game design, level design, or other graphic works like interfaces etc. Then, after a while, we always realised that the animation is somewhat ugly, so I tried to do it again. 🙂 So that's the story behind it, basically.

Thank Ivanneke! Learning some of this stuff is intimidating. 🙂

You guys are doing great work! I really like your teaser trailer. Keep up the good work!

Ivan I saw the video of the talk you gave at GameDev Days 2015. I thought it was great. Wishing you guys much success!

7일 후

So, here's a little update from us. We were hard at work on our new demo, so here is our latest trailer. It is still work in progress and we are still figuring lot of stuff out.

Last time, I have shown you the walking animation of our main character, Now, I would like to intruduce Pablo, our most basic enemy. He isn't all that clever, but he is the first enemy NPC we created and haven't changed him since, because he grew close to our heart.

It's looking really good! You really have a lot of great content. 🙂

I'd like to see a little more out of the jump animation for the main character. It looks like his walk animation.

5일 후
Nate wrote

It's looking really good! You really have a lot of great content. 🙂

I'd like to see a little more out of the jump animation for the main character. It looks like his walk animation.

Thank you!

Yeah, I definitelly have to rework the jumping animation. It just fell into the "good enough" category until now. 🙂
I will post an update once I make some progress with it.

Your game looks stunning. The overall stylization is very well performed. Mix of wild west and bugs is a very tasty soup! Good luck with the game!

한 달 후

A little updatefrom us.
I did a facelift on some animations of Pablo's colleague Frank - another enemy NPC. He's a beewolf by the way.
It's still a work in progress, so let me know if you have any feedback. 🙂

2달 후

Hi guys! It was nice meeting you in person at the InfoGamer game show.

The game looks really great! I love the comic book style cut scenes, they are fantastic. The look of the game is great, it's unique and appealing.

I found the gameplay was pretty tough, it took some time to adapt to the controls. Even after gaining some muscle memory, I didn't feel I had a lot of options in shootouts. I think the biggest reason is that the aiming mode is a bit clunky. I'm not sure I like it at all, it requires complex inputs and it stops the action. You might try having the right joystick shoot immediately at the angle it was deflected. I don't like that the default shooting aims low as a way to force the player to use the aiming mode. I know you want the player to use the aiming mode and to not rush through your content, but you should also consider what is fun for the player. Killing motherf-ers is fun! Being frustrated by complex controls isn't fun. Space your content out more so the player can move more quickly without you needing to create lots more content, then you can throw more at the player and use more platformer and movement mechanics.

Also I guess reloading breaks up the action. It's frustrating to be stuck without bullets, especially when there is no cover. I'm left with no options but to duck and reload. Enemy interactions come down to shooting all my bullets and then going behind cover or crouching, reloading, then repeat. That's not a lot of options for the player and I expect would get old quickly. Give me enough tools so I always have decisions to make in combat. Combat shouldn't be super hard, especially in the beginning. It should be easy to kill everyone. The difficult can increase later, not through having few options, but by having more powerful enemies that require more care to deal with. You might experiment with the reload button reloading all 5 shots at once, instantly. Boom-boom-boom-boom-boom-click-click-reload-boom-boom... It still limits the player from machine gunning everything and it gives them one extra thing to think about during combat, but it's a lot less frustrating.

I think experimenting with the extremes is good. It lets you explore crazy stuff, some of which you might like. You might be surprised at what you find fun and you can find ways to include that back into a more well balanced version.

You have platformer mechanics, you might consider doing more with movement. Maybe the player can hang from the ceiling? That may not be worth it since there isn't a lot of ceiling. You have a sort of falling hover, what if you could stay in the air for a while? Maybe you could dash out of the hover? You'd fall out of the dash. I'm thinking you see enemies shoot at you so you jump and hover to avoid the bullets, fire back, they shoot at you in the air, you dash to avoid the shots, falling the the ground, you fire again, etc. A roll or dash that is immune to bullets could be used to close the distance. Maybe enemy bullets are slow enough to be dodged, or maybe time always slows down when enemies shoot?

I think enemies having health (taking more than one bullet) might also be hurting the game's pace. There's something fun about running in and shooting 5 guys and having them all fall dead. And if you miss one, then you need to reload while the enemy retaliates. When there are 3 guys and they each take 4 bullets to kill, I can pump one full of lead and then I eat it while I reload. Instead of 3 enemies that take 4 bullets, you could send in 4x3=12 enemies which will be way more satisfying to kill.

You might think about a wider range of enemies. You don't need many different enemies, just a handful of enemies that look very distinct so the player knows what to expect/fear and that behave very differently to give the player a variety of challenges. Think about how Super Mario does it. The standard enemy sucks and fires back at you slowly and wildly, killed in one shot. A distinct version of the standard one fires at you quickly and accurately, also killed in one shot. Maybe another version is a little slower to start shooting, but empties his clip at you when he does, so you'll die from eating 5 bullets if you aren't careful. Maybe another sort of charges up or gets angry before firing a big shotgun that is very fast and does huge damage, you'd want to take him out first. Maybe a big fat enemy takes 6-8 shots to kill. Alone he isn't much challenge but he's more dangerous in a group. Maybe another enemy type doesn't shoot at all? Or maybe when it runs out of bullets it charges you? It's a western style game, so it's mandatory to have an enemy that hides (you can only see part of his hat), then pops out, shoots, and hides again. Even Contra has this, in fact look at Contra for ideas. Have a building with many windows, all empty. As you walk by, an enemy or enemies could pop out of the window and shoot at you from behind.

I think it's important to make the enemies very distinct so the player can very easily tell them apart. This lets the player develop a strategy. For that to work though, the player needs enough options during fights to keep it interesting. I guess that means either variety in movement or attacks.

At any rate, I don't mean to be overly critical. You guys have done a lot of work and the game looks really great! I think if you can find the fun in the gameplay you could really have something amazing and successful.

Here's the cowboy game I was talking about:
It's not a side scroller, but it's fun and it might have something interesting for you in there. Specifically the shootout between rounds is neat. If you want to play it, I suggest this remake:
Ha, I see my old high scores are still there! I'm #3, see if you can beat me. 🙂

5달 후

Hey Nate, thank you very much for stopping by, it was really nice meeting you in person. 🙂 Thanks for all the feedback you gave us right on the event and also that you wrote here. I really appreciate you taking the time.
We also received a lot of really helpful and constructive feedback on the event, so we have a lot to go through now. But we will try our best to make the gameplay more fun and to make it feel more rewarding and epic. And also fix the animations, so that they could add even more to the final mix.

I will also try out the High Noon game, thanks for the link. 🙂

And also for anyone else who'd like to try out our latest demo, look here.


You can go to http://www.bloodwillbespilled.com and download the version appropriate for your operating system.
It uses Unity Analytics, so you'll provide us with passive feedback just by playing, but it would be great if you could still tell us what you think about it. Especially about the things you didn't like.

And also here's a trailer

Hi guys...a little update from us. 🙂

Currently, we are working mainly on prototyping our new duel mechanic, which we'll write more about in a blogpost in a quite near future. But as the bounties for the bad guys always says that they can be either dead or alive, we needed to think of a way of actually not killing the enemy, even when you win the duel (which is kind of tricky in a game, where the main gameplay pillar is shooting things). So we created a way to "humiliate" the enemies.

So here's an example of that. A humiliation of Sullivan, one of the bosses

And appart from that, I was playing around with some special idle animations for our enemies. So here's poor Pablo - a not very clever gangster

I'd really like to know what you think.

Hey everyone, just wanted to introduce you our new minor character inspired by a major star. Can you tell who that is?

한 달 후

Ha, what kind Animator makes a game where every character has at least six limbs?? You're an insane genius.

Thanks for sharing all this stuff man, it's all so good

5달 후

Thank you very much! 🙂 Well, it wasn't my idea, actually, I was pretty much against it. 😃 But I somehow got used to it and it's quite fun.

And I just realised I haven't done any update in a while, so here are some of the characters I've been working on lately.

Sgt. Ace of the Spades special unit.
A soldier with all his heart, body and his trusty gatling machine gun. You don't become a war hero commanding a platoon full of pissed off hornets by being a sissy.

Padre A Man(tis) of God.
A praying mantis that takes the praying part pretty seriously. He had some really bad experiences with his ex-wife and decided to rather become a priest.

Sna-ke-eyes An Indi-ant shaman.
An Obi-wan like character and a mentor to the main protagonist.

Here's something new from us. Sergio the gun store vendor.