You can see in your video, even in 4.1 the bone compensation doesn't work. If it did, the hair bones would not move. Bone compensation can't be done in certain circumstances, such as when any constraint is applied with 100% mix or when a transform, path, or IK constraint has > 0% translate mix. This affects bone the bones being moved and the child bones being compensated.
In 4.1 attachment compensation is applied, so the head mesh attachment doesn't move, even though the bones do. This works well for translation in the example you showed, but it doesn't work for rotation, scale, or shear. There are also other cases where it doesn't work well. Try it on the gun
bone (in 4.1) and you'll see the gun region attachment moves incorrectly.
In 4.2 we don't apply attachment compensation in those circumstances because it often can't work correctly. You can temporarily set the constraint mixes to zero, use compensation, then set them back.
yugutou In Spine 4.2, you can temporarily disable a constraint by clicking the white dot next to the constraint name without changing the Mix value. In this state, the position of the bone can be changed without affecting the image attachments and child bones, and the offset value can be updated by pressing the Match
button, just as if the Mix had been set to 0.
The following video demonstrates the procedure. The first 10 seconds are to reproduce the same conditions you have described, and the actual steps required are demonstrated in the subsequent parts:
yugutou Yes, the constraints can be temporarily disabled by hiding them. This is a feature that was added in 4.2, unfortunately the user guide was late in being updated, and there is no mention of it in the Chinese manual yet, so it is not surprising that you did not know about it.
If you have any questions about any of the editor features in the future, don't hesitate to ask us here!
yugutou Some of the new features are introduced in Spine Tips and on our blog. In the case of a feature that is useful for a specific task, even if we try to make a brief summary, we will inevitably have to explain the use case, and the explanation will be quite long, so we think it is better to update the user guide than to make that.