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What's the deal with "New Skeleton"
Hi there
I´ve been playing arround quite a while with spine and I wonder, what to use "new skeleton" for?
Because you can add an additional skelleton to the project that way but it`s not possible to animate this additional skeleton (no keyframing possible).
Sooo what is it intended for? Is it part of a not yet finished feature? Or why should I want to add another skeleteon wich I'm not able to animate?
woops, that is a bug. We'll get that fixed ASAP, you're supposed to be able to animate as many skeletons as you want.
ah cool. (then it would make sense )
Thanks for the quick response.
Mmm strange o.O I added another skeleton yesterday using this option (so it adds to the same project), and just created another animation and it worked, maybe you were missing this (also, no skin is created with this option, so if you want to use Skin Attachments you need to create this too).
Actually the bug is that it doesn't create a default animation clip, while the skeleton that is already created when you create a new project already has a default animation clip. This is inconsistent and something we should fix.
Speaking of being inconsistent, it's not a bug to fix, it's an enhancement request to implement.
Ohmy! I´m so sorry.
Yep. I was mistaken. Of course I have to use the "Animation"-Hirachy of the seccond skeleton (facepalm for myself) instead of trying to animate it while I still have selected the hirachy of the first one.
My bad!
Now I feel a bit sheepish about it.