Weird behavior regarding paths with constant speed
1) what you have tried
Moving two objects along a closed path with constant speed.
2) what you expected
I expect the objects to move fluently along the path.
3) what actually happened.
The first object on the path follows the path fluently, the second object jitters in a weird way, starting when it reaches the start of the path., from the start of the curve and forward
Give step-by-step instructions so we can reproduce the problem, if possible.
The path uses two curves, forming an ellipse
Path is closed with constant speed
A path constraint binds two bones to the path. The path constraint uses any spacing except proportional (which works as expected), but the problem does not occur with a small spacing. With percent it starts occuring at spacing above 50. Seems worst between 60 and 80.
Editor information
The problem occurs in setup pose as well as animations. Scrub the position of the circle constraint to see weird behavior or play the test animation.
Tell us your Spine Editor version.
Let me know if you need further info.