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  • Iris - An Enchanting Journey

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Iris is a 2D side-scrolling adventure platformer on PC that tells a story about Iris traveling to an exquisite world, Chromaland to save her sister. Iris, a young promising archer utilizes a magical bow to reveal the otherworldly creatures and environmental objects through the eyes found within the world of Iris. This unique feature provides players an enchanting journey to explore the unknown and unveil the secrets within Chromaland.

The game is available for download at our website, link provided below.

Trailer: http://youtu.be/RyIR8lSKWIc
Website: http://irisjourneygame.wix.com/iris
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IrisJourney

The Project & Team
Iris is a six months project developed by Ethereal Equilibrium, a team of four passionate individuals at Digipen Institute of Technology Singapore. It is done using the free version of Unity, Spine and Itween. We also used GameAnalytics to track player progress during our playtesting sessions. This is also the first time that our artist made use of Spine to create animations for a game.

Animations using Spine
Most of the animations found inside the game are done using Spine, such as simple animations like fading in and out, changing colors of certain object in the game. This is mainly to ease the programmers from having to code them out from scratch and able to concentrate on something else that is more important instead.

Character Animations
Some of the animations are split into two parts and mixed together in Unity. Here are some examples of the basic animation of our characters:

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Creature Animations
These are some of the creatures found in Iris, featuring some of the animations made in attempt to make them look more lively inside the game.

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Environment Object Animations
Besides animating the characters and creatures, our artist also used Spine to animate and add effects to the environment objects in Iris as well.

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Gameplay Screenshots

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All Content © 2014 Digipen Institute of Technology Singapore, All Rights Reserved

Very nice looking game! I like the art style. Reminds me of Limbo. I'm worried you have a bit too much text in the trailer. You only have a few seconds to grab people, and people generally ignore any text you want them to read. The run animation could be a bit more fluid, but I liked the other animations. The gameplay looks neat, a sort of platform puzzler. Invisible monsters are cool! 🙂

Thank you very much!

We are actually currently working out on a new version, so we are improving in various areas of the game. When it is done, we plan to come up with a new trailer to showcase more of the gameplay. =)