因为特殊原因必须将高版本的骨骼回滚到21版本,论坛浏览了几个小时,看了回滚2.1相关的帖子 但是还是没法把2.1版本骨骼导入到spine,希望管理员帮我看下一 怎么才能解决。🥲
不知道是不是因为完全没有去除不兼容的功能,最后还是导入失败 回滚用的下面的命令
java -cp "skeletonViewer.jar" com.esotericsoftware.spine.JsonRollback "input.json" "2.1" "output.json"
尝试过导出spine工程文件 并用4.2打开 导出3.6版本骨骼 然后回滚也失败了
还有很多文件要降到2.1 请问有通用的修复方法吗😪

Related Discussions

It seems the rollback does not make all the changes necessary for 2.1.27 to read the data. For example:

"skins": [
		"name": "default",
		"attachments": {

Needs to be for 2.1 (delete one { and matching }, also change the matching ] to }):

"skins": {
	"default": {

Default values for timelines like time:0, x:0, y:0, or angle:0 are missing. 2.1 requires these.

Some meshes had the wrong number of vertices. Unfortunately I don't see how this can be fixed, except to delete those meshes.

I recovered as much as I could, but it was very time consuming:


I'm sorry there is no good way to convert many files to 2.1. It is an extremely old version, more than 9 years old!

  • Alexander님이 이에 답장했습니다.
  • Alexander 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..

    Nate 些网格的顶点数错误。不幸的是,我不知道该如何修复,除非删除这些网格。


    Nate 管理员你好 我这边有一个成功回滚的案例文件 我能力有限没法总结出全部的修复规律 也没法联系到原来的发布者 希望您看一下 看看是怎么实现的 能对后续的回滚有一定帮助😘

    • Alexander 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..

    Nate 不好意思 我忘了发布文件


    The first file I looked at had the wrong number of mesh vertices. I don't know why, so it isn't clear how to fix that. Since that can't be fixed, then I'm afraid there is no way to convert the data to what 2.1 needs.

    I suggest increasing the Spine runtimes version rather than decreasing the Spine editor version.

    • Alexander 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..