PABretherton Just wondering if Physical Constraints have been implemented in the Spine Player yet? Currently, although the animation plays, it's much "stiffer" than the animation in the editor. Thank you! - PB
Erika Please make sure that you are on the right Github Branch: EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimestree/4.2-beta/spine-ts/spine-player This branch already has a working physics example: EsotericSoftware/spine-runtimestree/4.2-beta/spine-ts/spine-player/example
PABretherton Hello. I'm using UNPKG, so the link I'm using is*/dist/iife/spine-player.js Is that not the correct one?
Mario That is the correct link. Can you share the skeleton and atlas files you are trying to run with the player, as well as how you create the player?
PABretherton Hmmm the link is there, but this forum software wants to show the actual files and isn't doing a great job at it. Here's the link without the https://
Mario I actually see things just fine. Just need to click on the "external link" button in the top left corner, so I can download them all. I'm looking into this now.
Mario OK, I can reproduce the "stiffness" issue you see. I'm unsure what's causing it. It's especially noticable with the hair on the left side.
Mario Nope, I got everything I need. I've fixed the issue, please update to spine-runtimes 4.2.34 from NPM (your unpkg link should automatically do that). Thanks for reporting!