• Showcase
  • Aseprite-Spine Script

I recently was looking for a script to export sprites from Aseprite to Spine. The only alternative currently available sadly did not offer some of the specific features I was looking for.
That being said I made a script of my own and wanted to share it with the community (in case anyone perhaps needed the same features I did)



  • Configurable output path & subpath
  • Export layers using different naming patterns & settings
  • Convert SpriteSheet into importable Spine data
  • Configurable root positioning for Spine
  • Convert Aseprite groups into Spine skins

Here is the repository .

If you run into any issues or would like to suggest a feature just ask.

  • Luke님이 이에 답장했습니다.
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    @RogueWars Awesome! Thanks very much for sharing, always much appreciated!

    RogueWars I checked out your script, but unfortunately encountered an error when trying to export. I opened an issue on your Github page that contains the console log from the error and a screenshot. I hope that helps!

      Luke The issue should be fixed, try out v2.4

      • Luke님이 이에 답장했습니다.

        Also since I cannot edit my initial post that contains a broken older-showcase, here is the new one:

        RogueWars It works, thank you for issuing the fix so quickly!

        On a further test, no JSON or binary files are generated on export using your script, thus meaning I can't use the Import Data option in Spine. Is there an option I may have missed when exporting using your script that would generate a JSON or binary file? The only thing that is currently generated is a PNG (or JPEG/GIF).

        @RogueWars I've done some further testing, and have some observations that may help improve the script:

        • To generate the JSON, I had to uncheck and recheck the option for "Export SpineSheet". Before I unchecked and rechecked that option, no JSON file was output.
        • On successful import of the newly generated JSON, the images were not immediately ready for animation in the Spine Editor. I had to manually create the region attachment so that the image would be displayed.

        To be clear, Luke's JSON contained no attachments:

        { "skeleton": { "images": "./sprite/", "audio": "./sound/" }, "bones": [ { "name": "root" } ], "slots": [ { "name": "base-layer", "bone": "root", "attachment": "base-layer" }], "skins": [ ] }

        @RogueWars Would it also be possible for you to include a test project with your export script?

        @Luke @Nate

        To answer the 1st question regarding no JSON binary being exported, the json file is exported to the Aseprite's file directory (meaning there is no control on where it goes). Perhaps I could add a setting for that if needed.

        As for the 2nd question about the export being marked as "Successful" but no images actually being in the json file. I assume you were using the script with "GroupsAsSkins" set to false (turned off), I realized there was a problem in my script and corrected that, view v2.5.

        For the 3rd question, that's actually a great idea. I will add an example project to the repository to better display how the script works / should be used.

        Some additional information that I think should be mentioned. When I made the script I had the following project structure in mind:

        Every asset folder would contain the contents displayed on the above image, for me this method is more simple having 1 folder for 1 asset. That being said, I am aware some people prefer organizing their project with the 1 folder per type method (meaning all spines in 1 folder, all aseprite files in another folder, etc.).
        If you organize your project using the 2nd method, I do not think my script would accommodate you at this time, however I could add support for the 2nd method if need-be.

        • Luke 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..

        Also you can now export all layers regardless of having GroupAsSkins activated:
        Exporting this:

        Without GroupAsSkins:

        With GroupAsSkins:

        Hopefully this method accommodates everyone.

        • Luke 님이 이 게시물을 좋아합니다..
        5달 후

        I recently updated my script adding a few new features, notably:

        • Root positioning (Manual & Automatic)
        • Settings config management
          and also proper information in the readme..

        Here's the showcase: