I'm having some trouble trying to import a spine animation to my Unity project.
My character has some mesh applied to the body and two bones binded to it, but when I import it to Unity they doesn't work as intended and I loose all the squash and stretch animations I've applied to it.
Does anyone have some ideas how to fix it?
Can't make spine meshes work in Unity
I'm using Spine 4.0.57 and spine-unity-4.0-2021-12-21 as Runtime
Thanks for providing the version info. Please note that you are using an old version of the spine-unity 4.0 runtime, the latest available version is 4.0 2022-09-26, available for download here:
If you are in the starting phase of your Unity project, we would strongly recommend using the latest version of Spine and the spine-unity runtime, which is 4.1.
If the problem persists, could you please share the exported assets or a minimal Unity project which still shows the problem? You can send it as a zip package to contact@esotericsoftware.com, briefly mentioning this forum thread URL so that we know the context.