Hey Nate,
Thanks for the tip. I've tried using your method with a mix time of 1f on the track entry, still getting the same result of the arm snapping to the wrist.
skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetEmptyAnimation (trackAlternateIdleStance, 0);
TrackEntry entry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.AddAnimation (trackAlternateIdleStance, "idle_touch", false, 0);
entry.MixDuration = 1f;
What works however is using your method on the same track index 0 that is playing an idle animation, then the hand smoothly interpolate to the wrist:
skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.SetEmptyAnimation (trackIdle, 0);
TrackEntry entry = skeletonAnimation.AnimationState.AddAnimation (trackIdle, "idle_touch", false, 0);
entry.MixDuration = 1f;
Not sure why interpolating from empty animation to idle_touch doesn't work on track 1.