Spine 1.7.08 crashes on OSX.
if you were using "latest" update settings, you can't rollback by Spine.app itself.
don't be confused.
here are some manual way to rollback Spine to load previous version.
you need some terminal commands, so if you are not familiar with terminal, follow these steps very carefully.
open terminal.
OSX spotlight > type "terminal" > returnin terminal, change directory by type like this.
cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/Spine!CAREFUL! you should check carefully what kind of versions you have. so let's list up.
ls updatesyou may see list like this if you types above.
1.6.39 1.6.42 1.7.02 1.7.03 1.7.08find highest version that is lower than 1.7.08 version. like above, mine is 1.7.03. yours can be different. so if you have 1.7.03, type like this.
echo "1.7.03" > version.txtrun Spine.app in your Applications/ directory.
enjoy previous version! NOTE that your Spine.app settings just changed to load 1.7.03 whatever updates goes. so if this bug been fixed, change update settings in Spine.app's settings menu.