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  • Mesh Path breaks

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Learning spine.

I weight bones to mesh,
I link bone chain to path,
Mesh breaks...

I have no idea what is going on.
Mesh still distorts after editing the mesh post "break"



I guess your mesh needed more vertices or fixing weights. Did you check it? If you don’t mind, let me see your mesh’s weights.

Thank you for reply guys and for the links, I shall check em out.

I was thinking about weights, but honestly it should not break mesh like that.
Also I did edit mesh, weight bones, on a strait mesh before attaching to path. I even adjusted the mesh After it was attached to path and fixed the distortions and still it is janky.

Here is a vid I did of a test.

Please tell me what am I doing wrong. (Chain Scale does not do anything to fix this)

I understand the reason! Thank you for sharing your video.

Path constraints has own order the bones. I mean, it doesn't relate to bones' parent-child relations. The order the bones are chosen determines the order they will appear along the path. In the video, you chose Flame_1b to Flame_1p first, and lastly chose Flame_1. It breaks the bones order on the path. The order the bones appear along the path can be modified by opening the select box and dragging the bones up or down.

It is explained this section on Spine user guide:
Path constraints - Spine User Guide: Bones

"The order the bones are chosen determines the order they will appear along the path."

Yes, thank you. fixed 🙂

I'm glad to hear that it is fixed 😃

Misaki wrote

On a sidenote. I see lots of Tips, those are great for people who know how to use Spine, are there any step by step guides for those Tips?

Are you asking if there are any tips with more details about the process? Some tips are explained in more detail in our blog posts or streams.

Rotating diamond tutorial:

Mesh weight workflows:

Twitch Streams:

Also, you can see the Spine example projects which explain the rigging in detail.