• Editor
  • Spine 4.0 is here!

How to update Spine to the new version 4 please?

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Godot support was an essential pre-purchase requirement for me, thank you. I will need to rustle up some cash now! :p

Nate wrote

You would choose Latest 4.0 on the launcher window:
Getting started - Spine User Guide: Running Spine

If you don't see that, you may need to download and reinstall Spine from your Spine license page. If you can't find it:
Spine: License Recovery

Ok, It works now! Congratulations on this excellent update, look forward to having 4.1 to facilitate traditional animations! The launcher is classy.

It is necessary at each launch to deactivate the anti-virus from now on, otherwise Spine cannot be launched.

Glad it is working for you!

We've had a lot of problems with antivirus interfering with Spine. Usually it's impossible to tell if a problem is caused by antivirus changing Spine's files or memory or denying access to some OS functionality, or if it is a legitimate problem in Spine. Due to this, it's better for Spine to disallow such interference entirely.

I've had some spare time to dig into 4.0 now and I'm liking it a lot so far. The curve editor is niiiiiice and it really helps achieve some motion that was hard to pull off before, as well as give a birds eye view of how things are moving. Now that I've worked with it it's going to be one of those features that's tough to leave behind if I ever have to work in pre-4.0 files again!

Favour tool is also very slick, liking that a lot. The axis splits and +360 degree rotation are also absolutely lovely additions that will make keying things a lot more convenient.

Also have to say that I love the way that blog post is put together. Lovely animation work there. 🙂

@PESEZZZ I'm not sure what's going on there. Mario will be along soon to help out. You might want to create a new thread for your specific problem, so it doesn't get lost in the general 4.0 release discussion.

Thanks @IanM!

I agree, the graph really makes a big difference. It's a lot easier than < 4.0 to keep movement smooth as the value passes through keys. It also makes animating faster, both by being able to edit values directly in the graph instead of in the viewport and by being able to see the entire motion without needing to scrub the timeline. Still, I know it will take time for some people to adapt if they have been using < 4.0 for long time with dopesheet-centric workflows.

The blog post ended up being a nice test for our Spine Web Player. You can see the JavaScript for the blog post here. The player makes it easy to throw your Spine animations on a web page, even when you need to customize the behavior.

Oh hey, that web player looks neat!

Actually, question about that header animation: it seems to have a really nice looking motion blur going on. How's that being implemented? Is that a blurred sprite of the character being manipulated inside Spine, or rendered out in post?

That holds up very well in motion, elegant approach! Always cool to see great effects done simply like that

Nate wrote

@[삭제됨] I'm not sure what's going on there. Mario will be along soon to help out. You might want to create a new thread for your specific problem, so it doesn't get lost in the general 4.0 release discussion.

OK, i will wait for him in another topic at "Bugs" section.

So, I recommend all of UE Editor 4.26 users do not update for 4.0 right now, because it's have an issue with plugin's building stage

npm pixi-spine/all-4.0 is up to date, works with pixi 5 & 6.

Let's hope 4.1 has godot. That's my go to 2d game engine

한 달 후

@Arun, you'll need to download and reinstall Spine from your Spine license page. If you can't find it:
Spine: License Recovery
Sorry about that, a certificate expired in older Spine installations but also you need a new launcher to run 4.0.

I downloaded the new Installer... had a NSIS error!
solved that problem and when installing it quarter way through I had an error saying corrupt Installer...
so now I cant install the new one and lost the old one too...

the installer freezes and closes when Extracting: jvm.dll to about 26% everytime...
if the installer is corrupt where can we download the previous version? I replaced the last working installer with the new one.

Sorry you are having trouble! The installer is not corrupt on the server, so you can just download it again to get a good file. You may need to disable antivirus or similar software as sometimes such software will damage or delete files it wrongly thinks are malicious.

한 달 후

How can i log in web site's main page to download spine incstaller
Or the only way to download spine is that link that i recieved when i bought it?