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  • Unity パフォーマンス問題について

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Unity 2019.3.15f1
Package version: spine-unity-3.8-2020-11-13.unitypackage

・Devlopビルドで確認("Deep Profiling Support"は無効)



PS4でパフォーマンスの問題が発生しているとのことで、大変申し訳ございません。 たった30個のスケルトンで SkeletonAnimation.LateUpdateに16.9ミリ秒という非常に多くの時間が費やされているのを見るのは本当に驚くべきことです。 ご存知かもしれませんが、一般的なPCでは、これには約1/10の時間がかかります(ラップトップで1.7ミリ秒を測定しました)。 残念ながら、利用可能なPS4開発キットはありませんが、シングルスレッドを使用する場合にPS4 CPUがラップトップよりも遅いと考えている場合でも、10倍遅くなることはありません。

Unityプロファイラーがここに信頼できる情報を表示していると確信していますか? プロファイラーを接続せずにPS4でビルドを通常実行すると、40 fpsも表示されますか?


We are very sorry to hear that you are seeing performance problems on PS4. It is indeed surprising to see such a high number of 16.9 milliseconds spent on SkeletonAnimation.LateUpdate for only 30 Skeletons! As you may know, on a typical PC this takes about 1/10 of the time (I measured 1.7 ms on my laptop). Unfortunately we have no PS4 dev-kit available, but even when considering the PS4 cpu to be slower when using a single thread than my laptop's, it should not be 10x as slow.

Are you certain that the Unity profiler is showing reliable information here? Are you also seeing 40fps when normally running the build on the PS4 without the profiler attached?

Did you perform some tests whether a different Unity version, such as 2020.1 leads to the same bad performance?


Unity profiler に接続していない場合は少しfpsが向上しますが、ほとんど変わりませんでした。

Unity 2020.1 についてはこれからテストしてみたいと思います。


Harald wrote


Unity 2020.1.14f1 でテストしたところ、Unity 2019と同様にパフォーマンスが悪い状態でした。
"Deep Profiling Support" を有効にし確認したところ、
VertexAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices() に負荷が見られました。


調査ありがとうございます。 問題が解決しないとのことで、ご不便をおかけしております。



a)プロファイリングが有効でb)ディーププロファイリングが有効になっているデバイスでビルドを常にテストしましたか? はいの場合、プロファイリングとデバッグを完全に無効にしてテストを実行してください。それでも40 fpsで実行されますか?

Thank you for your investigations. Sorry to hear that the problem persists.

"Deep Profiling Support" を有効にし確認したところ、
VertexAttachment.ComputeWorldVertices() に負荷が見られました。

Please do not enable Deep Profiling Support at any time, because the added instrumentation instructions will distort the result and make it rather useless (normally fast mathematical function calls will then be displayed much slower).

Did you always test the build on device with a) profiling enabled and b) deep profiling? If yes, could you please perform a test with profiling and debugging disabled entirely, does it then still run at 40 fps?

Harald wrote

Please do not enable Deep Profiling Support at any time, because the added instrumentation instructions will distort the result and make it rather useless (normally fast mathematical function calls will then be displayed much slower).


Harald wrote

Did you always test the build on device with a) profiling enabled and b) deep profiling? If yes, could you please perform a test with profiling and debugging disabled entirely, does it then still run at 40 fps?

はい、こちら"Development Build" を無効にした場合でも約40fpsとなっていました。

a) "Development Build" を無効 : 約40fps
b) "Development Build" を有効 : 約37fps
c) "Development Build" と "Deep Profiling" を有効 : 約25fps

ああ、「ディーププロファイル」を有効にした状態で40fpsになるといいのですが。 ご不便をおかけして申し訳ございません。


Oh dear, I would have hoped that it was 40 fps with Deep Profile enabled. We are sorry to hear that.

Could you please test if this problem also occurs in the same way with other Spine skeletons, like Hero or Spineboy?

Harald wrote

Could you please test if this problem also occurs in the same way with other Spine skeletons, like Hero or Spineboy?





また、高負荷のSpine skeletonsはアニメーションを再生しなくても高負荷にみえます。


残念ながら、これらの値はすべて、DoiSpinegirlプロジェクトの値よりも優れている場合でも見栄えがよくありません。変換される頂点の数は、結果として費やされるミリ秒に直接相関しているように見えます。なぜこれがPCよりも約5〜10倍遅いのか疑問に思います。ただし、これでも、Spinegirlで最初にプロファイラーを実行するときにアニメーション(「更新」)にも非常に時間がかかる理由は説明されていません。 PS4用に構築した場合、数学的なC#操作が十分に最適化されていないかのように動作します。

PS4用にビルドするときに利用できるUnityPlayer設定のスクリーンショットを共有できますか?コンパイルバックエンドを使用するために利用できるオプションはありますか?たとえば、Andoidは IL2CPPを提供していますが、同様のオプションを利用できますか?

並列化のロードマップにこの問題チケットがあります。これにより、CPUスレッド間で計算を分散することにより、前述の UpdateおよびLateUpdateメソッド呼び出しのパフォーマンスが向上するはずです。



No need to apologize, thank you for the additional feedback and testing.

Unfortunately, these values all do not look good, even when they are better than the ones at the Doi Spinegirl project. It seems as if the number of vertices to be transformed directly correlates to the resulting milliseconds spent. I still wonder, why this is about 5-10x slower than on PC. This however still does not really explain why the animation (Update) also takes very long at your first profiler run at Spinegirl. It behaves as if any mathematical C# operations are not well optimized when built for PS4.

Could you perhaps share a screenshot of the Unity Player settings available when building for PS4? Do you have any options available on which compilation backend shall be used, Andoid for example offers IL2CPP, do you have similar options available?

We have this issue ticket on the roadmap for parallelization, which should improve performance of the mentioned Update and LateUpdate method calls by distributing the computation across CPU threads:
If we fail to find the reason why math operations are slow on PS4, this parallelization should improve performance by a significant amount. Unfortunately it will take some time until we get to implement this ticket, as some urgent changes have to be finished for 4.0. All we can offer is to move it up in the priority queue and implement it sooner than originally planned. Still this ticket will be take some effort to implement.

If you should find any information in regards to performance of math operations on PS4 and on any speedups, please let us know.

Until this issue is improved, we can only suggest to keep the number of vertices to a minimum (using normal region attachments instead of mesh attachments) where possible, in order to keep the time spent as low as possible.

Harald wrote

Could you perhaps share a screenshot of the Unity Player settings available when building for PS4? Do you have any options available on which compilation backend shall be used, Andoid for example offers IL2CPP, do you have similar options available?

Unity Player settings のIL2CPPの設定項目を変更し、


Harald wrote

We have this issue ticket on the roadmap for parallelization, which should improve performance of the mentioned Update and LateUpdate method calls by distributing the computation across CPU threads:


IL2CPPを更新していただき、ありがとうございます。パフォーマンスが向上したことを大変うれしく思います。 また、この違いがこれほど劇的になるとは思ってもみませんでした。PS4ではモノラルの数学演算の最適化が非常に悪いようです。



Thank you for the update on IL2CPP, I am very glad that it has improved performance! I would also never have expected the difference to be so dramatic, it indeed seems as if optimizations on math operations for mono are very bad on PS4.

We will let you know once we have made any progress on the additional performance optimizations via parallelization.

Thanks for your patience and for all the help by providing test feedback!

24일 후




Sorry for bad japanese. I'm using Google translate.

We have similar issues on PS4. Please can you give detailed information on the settings you changed?

We have been modifying Spine to run on threads which is faster but our implementation is rough and not stable yet.

@sirob One of the major changes was to enable the IL2CPP compilation backend. Did you set this option in your project accordingly?

Harald wrote

@[삭제됨] One of the major changes was to enable the IL2CPP compilation backend. Did you set this option in your project accordingly?

Thanks for following up.

What had confused me was that IL2CPP is the only option these days, so it's always on. (Unity 2019.4 LTS)

However a further look showed that the important setting is IL2CPP optimization level, which other platforms do not have. We had this at No Optimization, but turning on the optimizations gives a significant performance boost, at the cost of longer build times.

Thanks for the info! As we unfortunately have no PS4 dev kit available, we were not yet aware of the available settings of the PS4 target.