Error Importing Json File
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Hello. I'm looking for your help.
Our artist had sent us an exported pack for our game character before he is affected by Covid 19. Due to his condition we can't use Spine project file to change some animation. We try to import the json file at exported pack like a workaround but it only available on Unity Editor but can't import to Spine Editor (try downgrade to 3.8.84 but it doesn't work) and can't open in SkeletonViewer. Problem solved
Please look in your Spine log after attempting to import:
Spine Troubleshooting: spine.log
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If you search for the text shown in the error, you will find your file has 2 invalid characters at the end. If you delete those it will import just fine. Note you can import any 3.8.xx into the latest 3.8 version (which is 3.8.99).
Thanks for your helpful guide. Problem solved!