• Bugs
  • Mix&Match not running

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I 've update my unity to 2019.3.7 and spine to last version, and now, my script that repack images to set armor and weapons to my char is not running well.
I've tried with mix&match sample scene and is not running. When i click Done button, only see grey squares:

It's a bug?

In a new project, it runs Ok. What could be problem? I've compared all project, preferences, textures from 2 projects and are identicals, and all was fine before update unity and spine.

Unfortuantely, this bug lies on Unity's side. We have filed an issue ticket for Unity here, but it seems it's still not fixed for 2019.3:

So the cause is that with your currently active quality settings, the texture resolution setting is most likely "Half Res" or lower.
You can find more information on this forum thread:
Sprite Attacher Sprites Only Half Render

Thanks. Setting full res solves problem (temporally)

Thanks for getting back to us, glad it resolved it (for now).

I just received an email by Unity QA regarding the issue ticket:

Good and bad news:
The issue is resolved on Unity's side, but only for 2020 it seems:

Fixed in Unity 2020.2.0a6