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Spine Assets Not Working
So I updated to the new Spine for Unity today and with that came some problems, when I select a spine asset it shows blank like this,
Which comes with this error when I click on the asset,
Any help solving this issue would be much appreciated!
Sorry for the inconvenience.
Please note that the Spine-Unity runtime version (e.g. 3.8 ) has to match the Spine Editor version (e.g. 3.8.63) which was used to export your skeleton files. When major+minor version numbers do not match (3.7 vs 3.8 ) as it seems in your case, import in Unity will fail due to format incompatibility.
Note that you can use batch-export to re-export all your skeletons quickly via the command line interface:
Export - Spine User Guide: Command line
I am currently improving version handling to provide more helpful messages from the start.
In case anyone is receiving exceptions from a method call IssueWarningsForUnrecommendedTextureSettings()
, please be sure to download the latest unitypackages. I have just fixed a different bug that triggered when it found a file with extension .atlas1.txt
. (or anything after .atlas
You can download the updated unitypackages here as usual:
Spine Unity Download
We are sorry for the trouble!