Hello everyone!
At this moment i'm trying using Unity timeline(PlayableDirector) for creating animation sequences in my game. I think it great tool, because creating very comfortably and i can see result right in the editor.
For timeline track i use default? spine solution - SpineAnimationStateTrack. Track has binding to SkeletonAnimation, then clips places to track and animation just playing.
Clip has a reference to AnimationReferenceAsset, ARS has reference to SkeletonDataAsset.
I have about ten character in my game with same animation names, but different animations. Problems begin when i set other SkeletonDataAsset in my SkeletonAnimation component. In this case, there are problems with the animations themselves - some part disappears, or I just get exceptions. For solve this problem need replace all AnimationReferenceAsset to other ARS with right SkeletonDataAsset.
As an opinion, a may rebind reference for all clips in SpineAnimationStateStack before PlayableDirector start playing, but i need store all AnimationReferenceAsset's from my all characters, what seems like a bad decision.
Has anyone encountered a similar problem and was there a good decision using PlayableDirector for creating animation sequence in this case?