My dog is losing texture when simply flipped using the Skeleton.ScaleX.
mSkeleton.ScaleX = lookVector.x < 0 ? -1f : 1f;
I am using the latest version (3.7) of Editor and runtime.
My dog is losing texture when simply flipped using the Skeleton.ScaleX.
mSkeleton.ScaleX = lookVector.x < 0 ? -1f : 1f;
I am using the latest version (3.7) of Editor and runtime.
Oh my dog! We will do our best to restore this poor dogs dignity.
Thanks very much for the very good reproduction assets with colorized regions!
I have created an issue ticket here:
[unity] Scale of -1 results in incorrect mesh · #1373
This is a serious bug on non-beta version.
Will this be fixed soon?
Unfortuntaly it turned out that it was not only a problem in the Spine-Unity runtime. Responsibilities have been shifted between programmers, which always costs some additional overhead, in addition to a very busy week. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
It turned out that this is not a bug but behaviour as intended (related to your constraint setup), please see the comment by Nate in the issue ticket here:
[runtimes] Scale of -1 results in incorrect bone orientation · #1373
oh, thank you. :grinteeth:
You're welcome.