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Error exporting mov with audio in Beta 3.7.24
In the latest beta if we try to export to mov or avi with audio we get an error. I will attach log file. Thanks!
With any codec? Or just a specific one?
Does the error go away when you disable audio?
Does the entire program crash? Or does export just fail? What message does it show?
Pharan wroteWith any codec? Or just a specific one?
Does the error go away when you disable audio?
Does the entire program crash? Or does export just fail? What message does it show?
Mov and Avi tried all encoding options. Does not crash just gives error. Attaching image of error and export window. And Yes it exports fine if i uncheck audio.
Thanks for letting us know!
I can't seem to repro this problem.
I think it might have something to do with the codec used on your audio file. Would you happen to know what it is?
Does the audio play back correctly in Animate mode?
Depending on what we find, Nate might ask you for the audio file you're using. Let's wait for him though.
It's happening with a few projects with different audio. Might be the same codec though. I'll look into it. Yeah it plays fine in the editor.
Pharan wroteThanks for letting us know!
I can't seem to repro this problem.I think it might have something to do with the codec used on your audio file. Would you happen to know what it is?
Does the audio play back correctly in Animate mode?
Depending on what we find, Nate might ask you for the audio file you're using. Let's wait for him though.
Tried it with a bunch of different audio and even a downloaded music mp3. Same error.
We haven't been able to reproduce this problem. Can you please email us the project with the necessary files and instructions (export settings) on how we can see the problem?
Nate wroteWe haven't been able to reproduce this problem. Can you please email us the project with the necessary files and instructions (export settings) on how we can see the problem?
Hey guys. I found a "fix". The problem seems to be with the video compression settings. If I lower the compression it will export with audio and no error. Then I can move it back to 9 and it works.
Also if the audio is longer than the animation frames it seems to cause the issue.
Thanks, that helped! In 3.7.25-beta we've fixed the crash when the audio is longer. :beer: