• Bugs
  • Workflow issues


I've been using Spine now in production for a few months at the game studio where I work, and I don't know where else to put these, but these issues have proven to be the biggest drawbacks in terms of workflow:

  1. No curve editor
  2. When trying to delete a lot of keyframes in one go, it can easily take 5 minutes (!) before this actually is done
  3. Can't simply select ALL the keyframes (this includes mesh deform keys, in-between keys i.e. frame 10.5, color keys etc.) and quickly change the overal timing of your shot
  4. Can't export specific parts of the timeline
  5. Haven't been able to export to any of the provided video files in the export settings, keep getting an error. So now have to screen capture to show colleagues the progress of a shot
  6. No camera animation
  7. Can't hide all the interface elements in full-screen mode

I'm not trying to be negative, I'm in fact really happy with Spine! I just hope these issues can be tackled, as they're quite annoying.

Related Discussions

No worries, feedback is good. 🙂

  1. and 6. are planned.
  2. and 5. Can you provide a project and instructions so we can see these? contact@esotericsoftware.com
  3. Box select the first row of the dopesheet. Drag the edges of your selection to scale the keys. Hold shift to disable snapping to full frames.
  4. Things have to make sense at runtime. I'm not sure how we'd capture and make available parts of an animation.
  5. Press F9 or click the button next to the Views select box.

1 & 6 Awesome!
2 & 5 If I get an OK from studio management I'll share the project 🙂 Btw, would you also need the image files, or just the project file?

  1. Hold shift to disable snapping to full frames is great, so thanks for that! But what I meant was that when I use the first row of the dopesheet, I would like it to select ALL the keys. Right now it looks like it only selects all the bone-based keys, which means I still have to go look for which keys haven't been selected when using the first row...
  2. Looks like it's already on a list somewhere? Exporting Frame Ranges
  3. Yup, but I meant I also wanted those Tools/Transform/Axes/Compensate/Options boxes gone 🙂
  1. and 5. If the images aren't needed to reproduce the bug, then we don't need the images. We'll keep all your files confidential.

  2. I don't understand, the first row shows all keys from all visible rows. Deform, events, keys between whole numbers, etc:

    Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

  3. Ah, exporting images, yes.

  4. Gotcha. Those boxes are pretty important though! They have a few settings on the Settings dialog, but not to remove them completely.

2 & 5 I just send you the project file, hope you're able to reproduce the bugs!

  1. Ah I see where I went wrong here. I never made my meshes a child of a bone, as I only binded them to the bones using the Weights Table. My bad!
  2. Yeah I just like the possibility of a completely unobstructed fullscreen view
20일 후

Sorry for the delay. Thank you for the project file.

2) We've improved deleting keys, which is now very fast in 3.7.19-beta (though not yet available). Selecting keys is also much improved, however selecting many thousands of keys can still be slow. Your animation has 31,000 keys, which is quite a lot of data for Spine to deal with. It should not be an issue most of the time, but is likely to be sluggish for some actions, such as box selecting all keys. It should never take minutes though, so if you run into that again please let us know and likely we can improve the performance of the actions you are taking.

5) You are trying to export a video that is 13120x18442. It would take over 950MB of GPU memory to render a frame at that size. The error message is shown because your GPU fails to allocate such a large buffer. I'm not sure any GPU will handle such a large buffer, as they have both max texture dimensions (in pixels) and a max texture buffer size (in megabytes). If you had a GPU which could export such a large video, you may still have problems playing it.

You could scale down your root bone before exporting to reduce the video resolution. In the future we plan to allow specifying a "camera" frame which will crop exports. Until then unfortunately it may be difficult to export a large cutscene to video. You may be able to use a clipping attachment to crop your cutscene, similar to a camera.

Thanks for getting back on this, it all sounds fair enough!

We've now improved box selecting keys so it is smooth up to around 15k keys. At 20k+ it starts to get a little sluggish and only gets worse box selecting more than that. However, it's only box selecting ALL the keys that gets slow. Your animations can have an enormous number of keys without Spine slowing down at all for playback, normal key manipulation, box selecting < 15k keys at once, etc. For example:

Image removed due to the lack of support for HTTPS. | Show Anyway

With this playback is fine and moving keys is pretty slow (seconds, not minutes), but it's a huge number of keys. This is likely a couple order of magnitudes more than any reasonable person would want.

BTW, 3.7.19-beta is up now if you'd like to try it.