Hello everyone.
We're hitting some issues in our project. Our main character is kinda huge (30+ textures on the atlas), mainly due to it being authored the wrong way. Due to that we're hitting some issues, specially regarding RAM usage and whatnot. Sadly we can't really afford to re-author the character at this stage of development.
Thing is, out of these 30 textures, realistically only 34 should be used at once due to the way the game is structured (Thing fashion game with wearable clothes), so one thing we were thinking about is having clothes separated into multiple, smaller atlases, and load/unload them as needed throughout the game so we could manage the RAM usage a bit better, but I could not find a way to do that.
The MixAndMatch example was a nice try, but the skeleton was authored in a really sub-optimal way that does not let us use it. So, does this idea look feasible/good? If so, how can I do that? I found no interfaces to assign different atlas assets to a skeleton so far.
Thanks for the help.