00:00 Introduction
00:03 Explanation of the structure
South-East direction 00:05 Importing the JSON again as reference
00:07 Making the south-east direction visible
00:08 making the reference slots darker and transparent to create an easier reference of the silhouette
00:09 New turnaround animation creation
00:10 Aligning the skeleton pieces with the reference images
00:20 Activating the current images at the established turnaround frame of the animation
00:25 Using the preview view to speed up precise alignment of the images with the reference
00:32 Aligning the face parts
01:01 Keying the first pose to create an interpolation
01:02 Realigning the sleeve images by copying and pasting the positions
East direction 01:09 Activating the reference images for East direction
01:11 moving to frame 3 and activating all the images in the main skeleton for East direction
01:13 removing unnecessary images attachments and skin placeholders
01:16 aligning the foot image with the help of Preview view
01:20 realigning the head features
North-East direction 01:25 Activating all the north east attachments
01:31 Realigning the bones
01:35 Explaining skins and skin placeholders briefly on the Cat project
01:40 Changing the images to match the new direction
01:51 Showing how Mesh Tools view works
North direction 01:59 Copying the South direction to use as base for the North one and activating the correct animations
02:08 deactivating unused images, and changing the draw order
All the other directions 02:11 Creating a container bone to hold and flip the skeleton in editor
02:17 Creating IK constraints for the legs
02:20 Setting the position of the IK right in every animation
02:23 Flipping the container bone to get the missing directions
South Idle animation 02:27 New animation
02:34 First keyframes
02:44 Final result
South-East Idle animation 02:45 Copying the keyframes from the other animations
02:49 Tweaking the animation
02:51 Creating a mesh for this body direction
02:59 Face mesh
03:01 New bone control for the face
03:07 final animation result
South-West Idle animation 03:08 Duplicating the South east animation to use as base for South west animation by flipping the container bone
North-West Idle animation 03:11 South idle duplicate copied as base for North
03:16 Final result
East Idle animation 03:17 Duplicating South animation to use as base
03:19 Copying the Side view from the turnaround animation
03:21 Fixing the weird keyframes
03:24 Side body mesh
West Idle animation 03:28 Copying the East animation then flipping it to get the West animation
North-East Idle animation 03:31 Copying the keyframes from the turnaround animation
03:32 Fixing the wrong keyframes
03:32 Adapting the body for the North-East direction
North-East Idle animation 03:37 Flipping the North-East animation after copying it