Spine 쇼케이스

Spine은 수십억 달러 규모의 출판사에서부터 소규모 게임 스튜디오 및 독립 개발자에 이르기까지 전 세계에서 사용되고 있습니다. 아래에서 Spine이 모바일 및 데스크톱 게임, 인터랙티브 스토리텔링, 영화 제작, 만화, 만화책, 특수 효과 등에 사용되는 몇 가지 방법을 둘러볼 수 있습니다.

Spine 데모

라이브 웹 데모를 통해 브라우저에서 바로 Spine 애니메이션의 위력을 확인하십시오.


#madewithspine 해시태그를 사용하여 사람들이 트위터로 메시지를 주고받는 것을 확인하여 Spine 세계의 최신 동향을 항상 파악하십시오.

The Spine Mesh system, allowed us to give a convincing 3D look to our designs, and to smear key poses into nervous animations.Magic Design Studios
The ability to deform 2D meshes and give depth to our 2D animations has been a revolution for us. It boosted both our production time and production value considerably.Séverin Larose
Spine was the backbone of our art and animation pipeline on Return To Monkey Island. All the animators and artists loved using it, as it really allowed us to focus on our craft, and work fast enough that we could throw in extra ideas and polish. I just don’t think it would have been possible to make Return To Monkey Island, with it’s huge cast of animated characters, locations, and cut-scenes, using any other 2D software!Rex Crowle, Art Director for Return to Monkey Island
2D animation performance is very important in Code: HARDCORE. With Spine, we control animations much more efficiently, allowing us to save time and energy building 3D-like 2D animation. We also use Spine for special effects, animation tests, and even interactive cutscenes. Louiky Mu, CEO, Producer, and Art Director
To make a great impression on kids we needed a natural and expressive animation. Spine with its smoothness and mesh deformation allowed us to achieve this without harming the development flexibility.Vyacheslav Borovik, Animator

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